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a sincere message


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..as many here know, I am one of a group that run a little web site that is about metal boat building.

A not for profit site that is more of a group of like minded metal boat friends than anything else.

One of our members didnt get to see his project out, the day before Christmas.

His project was a beautiful river boat in ally, and he was building it with such class and neatness that it makes my boat look as rough as it is.

He was also building it with a speed that I was stunned with.


My message is simple and clear.


Dont wait...do it now.


In life we may spend time waiting for the right moment...but the truth is, we only have time ...and that is the one thing that we fool ourselves into beliving that we have lots of.


I am deeply saddened by this gentlemans dying. It makes me reflect.


Our age is not important ...go for your dreams now.




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Sorry about your friend passing away Martin. Thats an ugly aspect of living the longest. It was more fun when we went to 21st birthday parties.

Yeh i'd like to get going as soon as possible as i've had a few health" shots across the bow" and realise one simply cannot rely on life as get past mid life. Heart disease and all its ugly friends like stroke and worse.......impotence... lurk for the unwary. If Aussie or Kiwi, male and over 50 I think one needs to treat oneself as if a heart attack had already happened. That is reduce sugar to nil, avoid bread and wheat products and eat like a caveman ( mostly raw veg). I simply stopped having bread and sugar and I'm back to the weight I was at 20.

Still, Dying suddenly of a heart attack would be my prefered method to die as I guess one would be unconscious in seconds. To me, becoming incapacitated would be a lot worse.

"Do it now" is great advice and I'll do my mostest to follow it.

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That is reduce sugar to nil, avoid bread and wheat products and eat like a caveman ( mostly raw veg). I simply stopped having bread and sugar and I'm back to the weight I was at 20.


"Do it now" is great advice and I'll do my mostest to follow it.

Forget all the trendy sh%t about doing without this and that. I'm lucky enough to have a qualified chef AND dietician as a life and cruising partner. When I gave up the ratrace in 2006, moved onto our boat and started cruising I shed 30kg (no bull) in a few months. I ate plenty of sugar, wheat, meat, fat and all the other good stuff but balanced it with a low stress lifestyle and good, healthy activity. I'm still a heavy smoker but run rings around many people when it comes to going the distance.

As idlerboat said, just go for it. You will surprised how improving your lifestyle will improve your health, if only you have to cojones to ditch the dollar and start living.

I ain't no hippy and still need to earn a buck but have found a way to do it and still be happy. (and skinny-ish in my late 5th decade)

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That is reduce sugar to nil, avoid bread and wheat products and eat like a caveman ( mostly raw veg). I simply stopped having bread and sugar and I'm back to the weight I was at 20.


"Do it now" is great advice and I'll do my mostest to follow it.

Forget all the trendy sh%t about doing without this and that. I'm lucky enough to have a qualified chef AND dietician as a life and cruising partner. When I gave up the ratrace in 2006, moved onto our boat and started cruising I shed 30kg (no bull) in a few months. I ate plenty of sugar, wheat, meat, fat and all the other good stuff but balanced it with a low stress lifestyle and good, healthy activity. I'm still a heavy smoker but run rings around many people when it comes to going the distance.

As idlerboat said, just go for it. You will surprised how improving your lifestyle will improve your health, if only you have to cojones to ditch the dollar and start living.

I ain't no hippy and still need to earn a buck but have found a way to do it and still be happy (and skinny-ish in my late 5th decade)

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Firstly and with repect, what finaly ends our life can be a random thing as well as something obvious.

My point is simply the message of time.

I say this to all the "young" people.....you know who you are ....the ones who are thinking that "one day" you will have lots of money and plenty of time.

You may....

You may be able to push the statistical odds...

But even me ......at a bit less than 50 ...my fingers are stuffed from work. Not very good at dealing with a rope in an emergency.


I have no doubt that happiness is a factor that makes you live longer.

I think that you will find that contentment is of greater value.

Genetics perhaps as much.....

but in sincere memory of Klaus, This is not about extending life....it is about making the most of what you have.

A reminder to myself when I cant be bothered....and get up the next morning wishing I had.

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Hey Idler - good on you for posting your message. I had a good friend die 3 years ago from cancer and I miss him terribly. His wife & kids do too. We all had time to be "ready" for it, but come the time you just aren't. His funeral was fantastic - people stood up to tell their favourite story about him and so many of them were so funny! The yacht club had standing room only & I remember thinking that when I go if there are a whole bunch of people telling jokes and funny stories about me at my funeral then that's not such a bad way to go.


I want to die like my grandmother did - just go to sleep and not wake up - but I don't want to last as long as she did - 102.


Thanks Idler for a timely reminder. Unlike James Bond, You Only Live Once.

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I'd like to go like my Grandfther did too. Quitely in his sleep....and not kicking and screaming like the other passengers in his Car :wink:

Death is certainly sad, but for those of us left behind. My Gran died just a couple of months back. 92, and Gran and Grandad jut celebrated their 74th Wedding ann. Grandad is 94 and is still driving and he still lives on his own. 5 Kids, 17 grandkids, 35 great grandchidren and 5 great great grandkids. It was a sense of pride I had for them at the Funeral. What an outstanding achievement. So I was not too unhappy as such at the Funeral. That was till I saw a my Grandad and the tremendous pain of loss of a solemate of 74 yrs and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. It wasn't the Death, it was the loss of such a long time friend.

I guess I look at life differently to many, but to me, once someone has died, the body we are left with here on Earth is just that. An empty vessel someone once used. My Mum died of cancer many years ago now. I didn't want to see her in the Coffin and I have never actually gone back to the cemetry, because for me, that is not where she is now. But that is just my personal oppinion and many will have other ideas and I respect that.

I lost one of my best friends at 16. He was accedentally shot by another of our friends. We held and hold no grudges. It was a freak accedent and not even careless misuse of a firearm. I lost several school friends in a car accident when they came home form a party one night. And the one that kind of makes me breath deep was losing 5 "playmates" when I was really young and if it wasn't for having to go somewhere early, I would have been one of them. It was a fire in a hay barn when I was 7. We had made a Hut deep in the hay and one of the Kids had brought along a Kero lantern and it preumably got tipped over. One kid made it out and ran for help. So as the song goes, "Every Breath we take has not been promised us".

And very sadly this morning, as 11 in a Hot air Balloon in Caterton have just found out. It caught fire and plunged to the ground and it sounds like no survivors.

The fact is, we are born, Death is part of life. It's the part in between that we need to make count while we are here.

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