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About bluesail

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  1. Is that legal for a new install with current regulations the way they are?
  2. From my research, chlorine needs to be 2ppm (basically shock treatment) for 24 hours then returned to 0.5ppm to be safe. Doubt that is practical on a boat. As for numbers I see sites saying 90% of legionella dies at 60c after 2 minutes. But then another one said 60c at 24minutes. Granted most people are not at as high a risk even if they contract it. However, due to my health problems and medications suppressing my inflammation/immune system, I am one of those unfortunate few who have to bear factors like this in mind. Funny thing is that I doubt this would have crossed my mi
  3. Hey all, On my final stages of sorting a new boat deal. The boat in question had a small hot water cylinder mounted above the engine. (Volvo MD2-55) Apparently the tank blew up or leaked and they removed it. I’ve searched around and found things like the Isotemp 30L cylinders which can mount in either direction. Uses both heat exchanger coils and 220v which is great. However, this got me wondering how the heck do you deal with legionnaires when water needs to be kept above 60c? Sure if you’re on shore power that is not hard. But when sailing (not motoring) how do you ensure you tan
  4. Thanks for the suggestion. We've went and looked at a few boats. This one is currently under contract but did look at somewhat similar boats to this. Headroom is a big challenge for me as I'm 188cm tall and run into problems on almost all boats under 40ft. Seems some of the brokers are away often and can't always get us into look at them in time either. Not that we are in a rush to buy, just would like to see as many boats as possible to see what we like. Stub keels seem nice for beaching. I'm bit worried how well they would handle in bad weather or heaving to, but shallow draft means
  5. Cheers, as someone looking for a boat and marina this is has some really great information to consider.
  6. We need to learn to sail before we can do that. But otherwise that is the plan. Just need to get the experience and find said boat. But I also wouldn't think of putting our lives, or others on the water, in jeopardy until we have a firm understanding of what we are doing. I expect this to take a while so even if we do buy a boat, we'd only be using it to live aboard for the time being. Hoping to crew/take courses/etc. until then.
  7. G’day all, Just wanted to update on our story. We made our journey up north, stopping to visit Piction, Napier, Taurangua marinas. Noticed a few boats for sail but mostly looked around the areas. We finally settled on Gulf Harbour and found a small place to rent short-term. We then joined the GHYC and strait away got invited to join the race 9 over last weekend. Winds were about 22 with gusts at start of race of 31 knots. I tried my hand at winching but my frozen shoulder and arthritis got the better and had to stop after only second tack. I ended up as rail meat for the rest of the ra
  8. So my wife and I have had many long talks over past several weeks. We have come to conclusion that the only way forward is moving North. Once there, we can be in a better place to not only look at purchasing a boat but learning to sail and maybe better employment. As such, we are in the process of purging all our possessions. Also fixing small things around the house to sell it in the next few weeks. We would like to leave by the end of August. We’ll be taking our car and small trailer up north stopping at Nelson/Picton to look at the marina as an option. Then all the way up to Whangarei.
  9. Sorry, I was really thinking more along the lines of good boat design for liveaboard and coastal cruising. No where near ready to buy at this stage just getting ideas and such.
  10. Lots of good advice guys, cheers. Thanks lateral about not rushing to buy or getting attached too early. It can be hard to fight those urges when we have death threats or bottles/rocks/etc. thrown at our house here. But I also don't want to end up bad situation because we were rushing out of here. I do expect that even a "perfect" boat to have lots of things that need replacement. Just like buying a house, we had a builder's inspection and he didn't find several problems. Right now all our money is tied up in equity in this house. Then being stuck geographically so far away also
  11. Thanks guys, I have left messages with Marsden Cove and Whangarei Marina and waiting for calls back. The liveaboard option seemed like it might make most sense since we could hopefully get some work while learning to sail and getting used to the boat life. That said, when I tried to get confirmation on available slips for liveaboards I hit a major snag. As for boats, my wife dreams of a cat due to the large amount of space and openness of deck house. I'm 188cm tall so need something with a bit of headroom would be great. And the movement sounds easier for non-sailors to adjust due to l
  12. Thanks for all the good information and kind words. And to JimS for the offer to go out. Would love to try and take you up on that if we could somehow sort out making the weather and air travel play nice together. I tried to make my first post short and had to leave out a few bits so as to not put everyone off. Our initial idea was to buy a boat as a liveaboard, renting a slip in some marina so my wife could continue to work. She works from home now over the internet so thought that would be great idea. However, I soon found that every single marina I called had over a year waiting lis
  13. Hello all, My wife and I have had a few years (decade now) of bad luck. Besides my serious health problems (details below), we had bad luck with CHCH earthquakes back in 2011. That lead us to lose a new business and be forcedly moved around for years looking of a home. When we finally manage to buy house but it turned out our street is full of boy racers, drugs and alcohol. Another long sad story with this but I’ll spare you details. Needless to say, we have had enough and been longing for something more. For the last three years we have been looking for somewhere to move but couldn'
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