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alibaba last won the day on April 6 2023

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80 Good

About alibaba

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/06/1943

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    sailing of course!

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  1. Yes, I'm sure that somewhere this has all been worked out before - but... I have a small GPS in working order, but I'm getting old [ sob!] and I need a bigger screen. Any recommendations for the best android tablet to use with navionics? - and - since I hate re-inventing the wheel- what's the best way of mounting it?
  2. Quite correct, AA is the agent. But then we'd have three authorities, all with their beaurocrats, and all the expenses. Just treat vessels as vehicles.
  3. There is an easy answer to the registration problem, which avoid the incredible expense of setting up a new authority with all its staffing etc. The AA already register thousands of vehicles. Just add boat registration to the AA, minimal setup cost, just a design of one new form, and we're done. Auckland Council of course, are thick, with their registration of jetskis. They wanted that as mentioned above to have the details of the owners in case of misbehaviour, loss etc. Why, oh why, did Auckland Council simple not say "register your jetski by getting a VHF callsign". The same infor
  4. Little snag to batteries shorting out in sea water. I'm pretty sure from my chemistry that the following occurs: Sea water contains salt ie chloride ions. They take up electrons for the battery and form Chlorine gas - very toxic. Not nice to be in an enclosed space with.
  5. alibaba

    Orca Core 2

    MMMM.. what are we actually talking about here - apart from supporting the electronics industry to the tune of 1000s. Speed of vessel using wind angle, cheek sensors, and telltales = 6.2kts Speed of vessel using all the above gear = 6.5 kts?? I guess it's great for the racers, but otherwise it would probable be more than my Lotus is worth. Now - if someone could come up with a device to produce the most comfortable sailing angle....
  6. alibaba


    thanks all, your info much appreciated.
  7. alibaba


    Help/info please. I've come across a well loved Easterly 30. I've sold my boat and I am looking for a boat in which I can potter around the gulf from Kawau to Coromandel in my advancing years [ not going to say how advanced!] How do they sail, say compared to boats of similar size eg Lotus 9.2; Davidson 28 etc. All info gratefully received. cheers
  8. Looking to find one which has been looked after, downsizing for pottering about
  9. I don't know if they are all built the same, but on my Lotus 9.2 there are three pintles and gudgeons connecting the skeg to the rudder blade. To remove the rudder blade and get at the bearings, you actually remove the each piece of wood on the rudder blade just above the supports. It's about 50mm high, and is usually screwed or glued in there as a separate piece. Once you have removed them, the rudder can be lifted off the pintles.
  10. Built 1988 - to MOT specs, maintained to a very high standard. All gear. Selling with marina berth. Reason? 80 years dammit, and the pension just won't support a boat. Would like a half share really, then I could keep sailing for while yet. See full details on TM. Triple skin kauri, all mod cons. Will consider offers on this forum.
  11. Yep- as a golden rule, NEVER let a marketing department into anything at your peril. So they have spent tens of thousands [ or probably hundreds of thousands ] on a totally unnecessary exercise. Coastguard units have to sell raffle tickets to raise funds for local units every summer, and here their marketing dept. is splashing out like there is no tomorrow. We all know Coastguard, it did not need marketing, and a new logo and paint ain't going to assist saving anyone's lives. The front end of Coastguard, all volunteers, does a helluva good job in assisting us when needed, well done you guys.
  12. and,,, I'm getting a bit slow in my old age, forgot to mention the pickup is in Bayswater, Auckland.
  13. Two blade prop, off Yanmar saildrive. I've replaced it with a Kiwiprop. It's a Briski LH 15 x 11. Any reasonable offer will do, I'll never use it again. Photos give an idea of the condition. Only caveat, it's a heavy item, so the buyer will have to pick up. ph 021 153 0747
  14. I think DOC has water available at the campground at Sullivan's Bay- but you would have to carry it out in a dinghy in containers
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