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Costa Minta

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Everything posted by Costa Minta

  1. I have one for sale - $80.00
  2. Costa Minta


    I dome I have looks like this
  3. Costa Minta


    Hi I may have a dome I can sell you if you are interested?
  4. Yes - I have seen a group, flock? of shags herding fish along the sea shore and driving them into the shallows.
  5. Thank you every one for your comments and your pm's - agree with HT - We get seduced by a pleasant bush walk up to Batch winery - I know we shouldn't - I have concluded that the short, steep chop developed in those conditions was our undoing. we will avoid anchoring there in those conditions in the future.
  6. 6kg Delta - 8m chain - scope 1:5 - does not usually drag - rock bottom maybe?
  7. Has anyone had trouble anchoring in Omiha bay close to the moored yachts. Our anchor has dragged twice on two different occasions. 7.5 trailer yacht - 20 knt SW winds - Delta anchor - yacht does not normally drag it's anchor. Any thoughts anyone? - apart from don't anchor there lol.
  8. This is listed on TM - https://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/boats-marine/yachts/keeler/auction-1556070756.htm?rsqid=df7f26893262428e8902249f365adcd8
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