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Myjane last won the day on March 2 2018

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About Myjane

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  1. Myjane

    Anchor chain

    Thanks batgirl what was the cost of your chain and how long thanks
  2. Myjane

    Anchor chain

    Thanks maby they could price for me
  3. Myjane

    Anchor chain

    Where would be the best deal on anchor chain for 31 ft boat I think a bout 40 ft thanks
  4. So will my red green at the top of the mast an white on the windex still be the deal I also have a riding light at the hounds
  5. Nice job how do you get on in the middle of the night with the water slurping about under the bunk
  6. Yes it would be siting on the base material wich would be full sealed to the deck reason is the under side of these tracks has two 5 mill wide areas to touch the deck an room for seal in the middle So was trying to make it better , thanks for you thoughts
  7. Need some more brains please I am solid blocking between deck beams to re seal the Genoa tracks back in place on good timber decks , I see under the track 32 mill there isn’t much bearing face on the deck , being the rebated std track so I was thinking of a 32x3 mill alloy strap central under and sealed to the deck first full length then the track on top bolted through , I know timber is an option as a packer but thought alloy would be better
  8. Always wondered when I see ships anchored out side out place or off rangi what are they carrying , what’s under them that’s introducing its self to nz , I wonder if the authority’s dive the anchoring zone of rangi and see what’s growing there from the ships .
  9. Hi I got one of these and very yes flimsy ,so I cut the rizer to the handle off cause it quite tough , and went of to alloy place in silver dale picked a length of 40 mill tube , did some cutting in the shed ,vcut the wheel off on there axle and the hull supports, went to a guy in silver dale to weld up $70.00 later I hade the boat on , perfect and strong give it a try
  10. Provided the topper is strong enough ,but do you really want a 100 plus’s kg swinging off the top of your mast
  11. I hade the baileys phone call one night asking the age of the boat , as they won’t insure my boat if it was 40 years , I have been with them 24 years , but it was built in the late 80s , you kinda feel , thanks for being with us now f, o your to old even as I maintain to the full and some ,
  12. The boats just sold and sitting in tut
  13. Myjane


    Any body purchased the nz charts , been using it for a while and thinking about going further into it
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