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I've found that due to the intense heat of lpg (even when burner turned right down) you really need the heaviest base pans you can find (or afford) on a boat. So at times I've actually had better quality cookware onboard than at home!


Can't remember the brands but the best quality pans from Stevens haave done OK.

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I have been using a set of ZIP copper bottom pots for years. They were from Briscos as a set. AC is right you need the heavy bottom ones. The set I have stacks well and has 3 little vent holes in the lids. You can drain stuff while holding the lid on tight in a big sea. I also have a cast iron frying pan that is indestructible. You can chuck it in a fire. bake stuff in it, and it doubles as a spare anchor :-)

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Yeah you're right my really heavy solid frying pan is my most useful and most used pan aboard - it's deep enough to hold a decent meal for 4 (e.g. curry, chilli etc) without slopping.

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