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Fogg last won the day on October 5 2021

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427 Excellent

About Fogg

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  1. Haha! Well I went from a Lidgard to a Jeanneau so even worse! 😊
  2. Never had one but came close when browsing Kiwi design options a couple of boats ago. And to my eye the Davidson designs - big & small - all had a certain ‘X’ factor that many others just didn’t eg Wright.
  3. Correct. I’ve had one of these onboard for 2 seasons now. As you say it cannot turn zero signal into a signal but as soon as there is something then it does consistently have at least 1 bar more than either of our cell phones onboard (Voda & Spark). The signal allows me to do work video calls and the family can stream content or do WhatsApp calls from most locations around the Gulf. Abd it gives any guests onboard ‘Fogg wifi’ too. To make it slightly better again I have just ordered a 6db booster aerial set as pictured here (one for upload one for download). According to a friend wit
  4. Fogg

    Electric outboards

    Offsetting my eOutboard emissions…
  5. I’ve always gone a bit wider to avoid possibility of interaction with a 50cm x 50cm square around the saildrive leg.
  6. If you want to explore options for Cook Is registration suggest you contact very helpful lady below (she’s a MCI rep based in NZ): jennifer@maritimecookislands.com
  7. Even more cautious option would be get crew onboard and literally all live on boat in marina for 3-5 days nobody goes ashore - pretend you’re at sea. Then skipper alone steps ashore to check out and off they go. Really minimising the risk.
  8. Get crew on board - depart berth and anchor off for 5 days to ensure everyone OK. If not go back in. If yes up anchor and depart for real?
  9. Fogg

    Yanmar Impellers

    Try just taking it to the store now - then sanitise it in front of them and lay it on the table - then step back and ask them if they can give you similar on the spot. I did this - Paywaved - worked fine.
  10. We could all be using our boats for ‘adventure tourism trans-Tasman sailing trips Aus-NZ’
  11. Sorry, answered my own question. Whale Gulper available at Marine Deals too.
  12. I've bought the big Johnson L4000 but need a smaller diaphragm pump for the lower sump. I really like the look of the Whale Gulper 220. Any idea if there's a supplier in NZ? 2nd choice the Johnson SPX - I couldn't see one on the marine deals website that looked like this - any idea of the model?
  13. Fogg

    Electric outboards

    My driver told me his mate came over one day and helped them 'tap into' the wiring outside their apartment window. No meters of course...
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