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sounder transducers just got a cheap sounder fishfinder {eagle] and see that the boat already has a transducer in the hull, {navman} I think they are both 200 khz can I cut the cable to join the new sounder to the old transducer and if this didn,t work would I be able to rejoin the cable and get the new sounder going again with its original transducer?

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NO :!:


I suggest you keep the transducer lead the same, in mint condition.


The local $2 shop / emporium outlets have cheap leads with RCA type plugs and/or whatever plugs you have. Dick Smith & Jaycar have higher quality ones. Buy one of those el-cheapo extension leads and plug the transducer into the socket end. Then with a connection strip, you can cut the cheap extension say to 150mm (6") long and connect all wires easily and make changes as required WITHOUT damaging your installation. That way you can test first.


There are many different transducers with different connection plugs.

Fortunately one company makes a lot for many retail brands but some transducers have different chips & electronics in the sensor unit and/or the same unit with different plugs / sockets and different coloured wires. (Life is simple, but knot that simple :lol: )


Study http://www.airmar.com where there are different specs, cone shapes and lots of good info. It may be possible if there is an identifying sticker on your transducers cable with model and serial numbers.


E.g. A Nexus transducer

DSCF1633 - Compressed.JPG

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On the Airmar site, they have a list of transducers for what brand and model and the plug wiring configuration. As well, some trannys have a speed paddle wheel and some don't. Anyway, you might be able to find the Navman one and the Eagle one and see what the differences in wiring are. Be careful about cutting the cable, because the wire colours could be very different for each and you will damage something by connecting the same colours together on the opposing plug to unit untill you can identify what is what.

the other issue you need to be careful of is the power of the Sounder and the transducer. Although I imagine they are pretty much the same or close to.

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