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ex TL systems

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ex TL systems last won the day on October 11 2019

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63 Good

About ex TL systems

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 10/07/1958

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    multihull sailing stand up paddle foiling surfing current boat a 40ft Harryproa

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  1. I have seen rideable looking left hand waves running along the rock spit on the north east corner of Motuihe in similar conditions.
  2. I crewed a f 41 back from Fiji. Best alround cruising cat I have been on. Not slow and good bridge clearance
  3. Best chance of being able to put out a fire on a boat too without having to go into the smoke.
  4. Pretty sure live aboards in the river like to keep a low profile because officially it is not permitted and some of the surrounding houses are likely to moan to the council. Good to have them though as they keep an eye on security etc. yes there is a lot of empty pile mooring that are not available. When I got one I went on a waiting list and was contacted by the council a month later with a choice of 3. Think they are not supposed to be left empty for more than 6 months at a time. Might even be space to put in a new swing mooring somewhere there.
  5. Western coromandel area including elephant cove is nice and also the cove at rakitu arid island if you get as far as the barrier.
  6. I went on one of these in Australia. Huge boat inside maybe the owners are overseas and have given up trying to get here to sail it away. Could be the buy of the decade if you want such a big cat
  7. We have foiled easily with an 8hp on a dinghy and also on an old paper tiger. Some of the waves in the motuihe channel with strong wind against tide would be fun once you know what you are doing. We started with an 8 ft board and all got up behind a boat pretty easily. Not hard to hurt yourself though.
  8. Yes not a lot with the wing though mostly I am catching waves on a foil under a small stand up paddle board. Its amazing how little drag there is once you start flying. Lots of Wingfoiling happens around Auckland when they are not locked down. Saw a video recently of 3 guys foiling back from the Barrier 110kms. Think one was Jessie tukes brother? Both Burling and Spithill are into it.
  9. Depends how fussy you want to be. Nobody paints a house the way a car is painted. I painted a 10 m tri on a beach in a day with an airless spray . Not as good a result as you want though. More of a 10 foot finish but still good protection. With the right paint somebody with a little skill could do a great job without spraying and probably without removing fittings either. 2 guys with a week of good weather in a yard ? Maybe try norsand in whangarei for an estimate.
  10. Plenty of cats available in your budget and a cruising cat can make a great liveaboard. Cheaper boats could also be a good option to see if it is something that you want to do long term. I bought a 46 ft cat for 25 k that was a great cruising boat.
  11. Navionics has tide flow arrows around north cape area. Probably other programs like open cpn as well. Worth looking into.
  12. Did it 2019 in a Wharram cat. Just wait near the top for a reasonable forecast on windy or others and then go. We ended up motoring 2 days in calm to New Plymouth and then there was nw to go the rest of the way. New Plymouth is a good stop you can anchor in the harbour and stay aboard. Fuel and groceries are fairly close.
  13. I have always fitted the holding tank instead of the u with the vent in the holding tank going outside. No noticeable smell and no need for the u vent.
  14. Just got home from the viaduct after 5 hour drive. Worth it just to be there for that second race. I hope we can have one day of racing with 15 knots or so. Be good to see them really powered up. IMG_6599.MOV
  15. Almost forgot team uk sailed past pretty close too
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