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delivery crew wanted Australia to Fiji


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What is really interesting is that both Paul and Mark joined on Sat Sept 03, 2005 at 1:54pm.


Good spoting - girly. Well done. Wonder which one of them is a whanker or both?


Now speaking of 'spoting' as I was. I was somewhere else on the net looking up something to do with sailing (funny that) & WOW - what did I see - YEA a video about sailing a 3 thingy boatie type bisso. C/W some chickie-baby on the helm - down the back waving - oh - & steering at the same time !! Think it said somewhere something about an 'RO' type of pickle & somethin' to do with some 'meg' something or someone??? You know anything about it - eh ???????????? moma-bear, eh ???

And why is it not in this place???????????????????????? Not bad for - what's her face - the 1 waving & 'himself' picy taking. Ciao, jj

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Gotta love a good conspiracy!


Actually, a large bunch of the first users show as joining at that date and approximate time. This happened when the the forums were converted from the original software Zoe was using for the forums to phpBB2. All the users in the old system were 'created' in the new system as they were imported. In fact; if you look at Zoe's join time you will see it's only 4 minutes before the 2 above :think:

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