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About Megwyn

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    Somewhere - I think
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  1. I lodge TR's with CG everytime we go out over the bar. I often don't bother when we are just out for a harbour sail. So once out there (over the bar), I stay in contact with CG, changing channels as we sail up or down the coast. Last Feb, we sailed to GBI. I logged in and out with Waihi Beach, Whangamata, and Whitianga, and then in with Emi at GBI radio. When we left GBI, we logged out with Emi, but did not bother with logging in with Auckland. Three days later, I had a call on my cell from CG asking where we were. Someone had started a check to see were we where. It seems it was someo
  2. We watched about a 9m bridge cat swingng about on its anchor in the cove at GMI New Years Eve. The skipper of the neighbouring cat was concerned it was going to drag and hit him, so came across to Pulse to get some help to sort the problem. Mr DT (previously Two2Tango) accompanied him to the offending vessel, where they weighed the small plough anchor on the end of just over 1m of chain, and attempted to re-anchor. The thing wouldn't steer into the wind (over 30kts), so they ended up tying her up to one of the house boats. Thing is, they had left their boat unattended, rudders down (th
  3. Is Whangamata becoming the new Multihull vortex. I know it has a long way to go to beat Ostend, but . . . Last year, when we stopped over at Whangamata on our way home, we saw Twisted Sisters in a sad state in the Whanga Harbour. This year, on our way home from the New Years Multi get together at the Cove GMI, we saw her still there. The hole in her stern has now been patched with duct tape. She has no outboard, no sails, no centre boards, no rudder, but she does have a decent mussel farm on her. Does anyone know what is going on with her? She was for sale a few years ago,
  4. Very true Tim. With racing so competitive, many boats are slimmed down so much to try to get a competitive edge, that cruising becomes a non-option. After 14 days away on the Offender, I proved it can be done on a once racer. Admittedly, we lost about 1-2kts of speed having her loaded up for cruising. But how many peeps can carry food and water for 14 days, and still go racing?
  5. Had my first ever capsize - and it was not as bad as I had always imagined. And best of all? I managed to right it on my own!
  6. Megwyn


    Thanks for sharing Rob M
  7. Megwyn


    Awesome Rob. Yes - photos please.
  8. The young fella went out in his new (my old) sunburst with his Dad, and successfully capsized it. The young fella was not scared. They did the first sea trial of the new cat - with chase boat and all!
  9. Megwyn


    That is smoking!
  10. We were hoping to join the Legends Regatta at the Mercs, but couldn't leave 'till Saturday. The forecast was a bit iffy, so we sailed down to Tauranga for the weekend instead. Met with three other multi's (2toTango, Waterblaster and Double Diamond) up Hunters Creek, and spent a pleasant weekend up the creek. While enjoying good food, good wine, and good company on board Hotel 2toTango, I looked out the back to check up on my baby girl. Lance gave me a hard time for salivating over the sexy tri - but hey - wouldn't you? The kids were having a ball: Looking back at Ho
  11. So you have been a bit busy then BOOBOO Not as busy as you will be in a few years.
  12. Megwyn

    Gas bottles

    Then they are not on the boat long enough to go rusty!
  13. He he he - Himself has a plan to do that on his so he can use it on RO -and put a sanding disk in it lol. He just needs to figure out how to connect the wires to the drill, and, find some wire long enough
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