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Ex SanFran

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Everything posted by Ex SanFran

  1. The stuff stick like the proverbial $#it to a blanket. Anyone have any idea or tricks on how to remove old glue? Thinners just don't seem to do anything. Old glue has been on maybe 15 years.
  2. A box of beer was a deal then๐Ÿ˜Ž
  3. Yup, I got a bucket of that๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  4. Id think i need something that layers, but doesnt set off hard, or will just remain some what flexible
  5. Thanks. Would that paint expand and contract okay with inflate, deflate etc?
  6. Should have been a contender for the Darwinian awards
  7. of my dinghy. Is there some rejuvenating spray, or something I can paint over the tubes that would bring a few more years? They're starting to look a little thread bare in places.
  8. Can't say for shore where the zinc came from. Had if a few years. Was pretty solid one.
  9. Have a three blade kiwiprop that is a bit worse for wear... Attacked after the wrong zinc anode didn't do what it was supposed to. So after any of the internal parts. Not sure what exactly at this stage. If anyone has one that's spare please let me know.
  10. I'll give the magic carb cleaner a go, then try for the fuel pump membranes then take It to the workshop.
  11. 2 stroke, but all good comments, thanks. It was serviced about 6 months ago, out west. I would have thought that the fuel would be clean, and is fresh, but I guess you don't really know. I'll strip down and clean the carb. And go for new pump membranes.
  12. Flooding wasn't the issue, still wont start, but sounds like it's the thing to do. Cheers
  13. Today it decided I needed the exercise rowing to my mooring. That wasn't too bad, it was then return journey against the tide that nearly did me in. Anyway, I digress. Friday it started no probs. Today, not so much. I did get it to fire for a few seconds. But then, really nothing. Probably flooded the carb, but I'm thinking the main issue might be the fuel pump, fuel delivery. Sounds like not enough getting through to supply carb? Anyone had similar issues? There's a couple of membranes the fuel passes through on the way to the carb. Hopefully that'll fix it. It
  14. Anyone with a spare bit of ply for a lazarette hatch rebuild. 20 mm x 560 x 440. Cheers
  15. Basically on the scrounge.. ๐Ÿ˜Would anyone have a piece of 20mm ply, 440 x 560 knocking around, taking up space they wouldn't mind parting with. Happy to pay a reasonable price.
  16. Hi Ashton. Sounds exactly what I did a few years back on SF. New seals were thicker and I only got 2 on, but working fine. No drips. Very careful not to strip threads too. Wire brush the threads and grease. Catch you up out there.
  17. You're talking 2 different things.... Rust, ie oxidation, and galvanic corrosion. An anode will only stop the later
  18. Hey, it should be Germanys problem, right? They caused the problem in the first place. Very wealthy country now. Deap pockets blah blah blah
  19. DO NOT USE THE Washing machine- It will bugger them. Pull threads out etc.
  20. I did a similar thing around 7 years ago. Cost around a hundy. Just about time for replacement
  21. I'm thinking of inserting a polycarb sheet into old wooden fwd hatch. Rebate into existing ply maybe. Has anyone ever tried this before? Pros and cons? Hatch is quite large, over 600mm square. Im thinking possibly one (or more) inserts. Obviously want to maintain the strength for a 100kg plus force load on top of it. And avoid it being too slippy in the wet.
  22. Never done it before, and don't have any manual. Is it a grease gun job? Just the base unit or something at the head as well? Pointers gratefully accepted.
  23. Is it a hand pump thing then?
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