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Guest last won the day on May 25

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  1. Yip - downdraught day. You just fly everything. & do 10Noeds.
  2. Dont know that I’ve ever come across rogue wave. I thought they were solo at 50’ plus. Not a double up or a wave hit by backwash or clean up sets where then at 30’ every waves would be “rogue”. Surfed a break in Kauai 2x+ overhead when a cleanup set came & closed the bay out point to point a km further out. They reformed and weren’t much bigger than than the normal sets on our reef. But out there they were 15’+ of white water after they broke. You could see it starting to happen as the tide dropped, but the swell was rising. Was end of day & next day was small. If you go ov
  3. Define "more active management". Does the number of unsatisfactory outcomes of current Cat 1 boats to overseas registered non-Cat 1 boats warrant this "more active management"? Not mentioning todays infinitely better forcasting and comms. Or does YNZ just not want to be involved, preferring MNZ wields the big stick.
  4. Yip, price matched against BOI discount Chandlery, on international Ultra II they went $10 lower/can. $340 as opposed ticket. Westgate.
  5. Well thats refreshing! Seemed but a bit outrageous; I tend to glaze over reading govt documents that always seem to make simple things convoluted. I develop A.d.d. very quickly. Is the "Initial registration" all the charges or do they charge you for a copy of it as well? see circled? Would be handy to have a copy of it. Or is the table only designed for rich pricks that dont give fcuk. Or, poor punters, to make it look less and they are getting more for their money. An to be further obtuse, do they start you off on "initial" and if you pass you graduate to "provisional". 🤣
  6. Not Cat 1, MNZ yacht register. This is how I read it, but having lived with NZ bureaucracy I really wouldnt have a clue whether it is adhered to, or you can use your YNZ rego. Sorry about font size it was C&P, not my doing. "If a vessel is New Zealand-owned and is planning on going overseas, it must be registered. Ship registration provides nationality. A registered ship that travels overseas has the protection of the New Zealand government. The registration papers provide proof of identity" And YNZ doesn't? Initial registry/re-registry - existing ship not exce
  7. I will be following the (old) cat 1 check list but damned if I want to pay MNZ for the virtual colonoscopy.
  8. $2.2K's worth of Blind faith What is the 2.2K actually fund? Why is it such a disproportionate amount compared with other countries.? Bet MNZ will try an enforce the legislation against NZ'ers registering offshore.
  9. ie Part 1 -153 pounds for 5yrs & Doesn't seem to have the 185day resident clause and cost 72 pounds to renew for another 5yrs. But you have to have UK citizenship. My wife does, yeah dangerous!
  10. The several thousand dollar question; Will they seek legislation to circumvent NZ residing boats from offshore rego?
  11. Thanks for that "What cells are you using that are rated for 0.01C at 3.65v that's out there." ( O.001C 😬) IIRCly Both Will & Andy have charged to O amps terminal current to batteries "full capacity"? My CALB 230Ahr came with product specs in Chinese. So resorted to Prowse and Andy OGG coming to the conclusion that absorb was for lead in the main, and perhaps to balance but was not really necessary. For day to day. I've only ever top balanced once (8mnths after installing) was in a hurry so left it on bulk until HVD, then balanced manually until it started charging again
  12. Still be a "meh" at 25% aye? 100% would be "nah, not going there". Not for non terrestrial vehicle anyway. Electronics of the Balmar mc618 I better check on tho as its powered from ignition.
  13. What put me off 5x cell was 50%=2.2V. (11V) Discharge curve YinLong
  14. Ok, re phrase. What %C tail current do you call 100%soc at what target voltage. Guessing that it will be high TV for LiFe and errr, 2%C seeing as you like smashing. I do TV= 14.6V and 0.1%C for top balance and sync. (0.5A) 6monthly or less. Normally 14.2V and 2%.
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