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Ziggy Bentley

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About Ziggy Bentley

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  1. That seems like a really good system and is what we are thinking of doing, but don't quite have the plan together yet. Same with this Ross, the self tacker has been removed so seems like your solution would work well for what we want, and would definitely simplify sailing two-handed. A change to the rig system definitely is in the works, so any pics you have of the system would be greatly appreciated🙂 Do you have a fine tune or some sort of system for adjusting each individually, either while under load or before pulling the tension on? Cheers
  2. Sorry my bad it does have a backstay flicker and synthetic backstay, so it does clear the squaretop if entirely eased, but its not particularly easy to let off fully. I agree it seems like a weird setup that has lots of potential to go wrong, we are quite new to the boat and were just wondering if there was a specific reason a masthead runner system wasn't set up... I think the plan for the near future is to splice a system together so that both fractional and masthead runners can be pulled on a single line, each with some sort of tuning system, and to get rid of the backstay entirely. I
  3. Sailing on a Ross 830 two-handed with fractional runners, and a masthead backstay, which doesn't clear the top corner of the square-top main when it gybes. Swept back speaders only to just below fractional halyard. What is the best strategy to manage the gybe with two people (or even fully crewed) when the wind picks up and mast support is needed throughout the gybe. Should we ignore runners grind on some vang, and then just try to get backstay on ASAP after gybe, keeping in mind there's only one person in the cockpit for the majority of time before gybe as kite pole needs to be dealt with. Or
  4. For future reference they are definitely capable of doing 9 knots... We would often hit the early 9s and once even hit over 10 knots in the shoalcraft 30 we used to send around the bay
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