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About ec12nz

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 17/03/1962

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Kapiti Coast
  • Interests
    RC yachting, following the trials of others sailing
  1. Went to EC12 RC yacht Nationals in Motueka - got 2nd in Match Racing, 4th in Fleet Racing and 3rd Overall when results combined. 20 boats attended
  2. Not boats but finished putting new roof on house
  3. Cheers Wal - that would be a damn fine idea me thinks - better come up a day earlier to engage in this gentile gathering that could be scary as well I'll PM you closer to coming up to sort out. Party date is Sat 16 Oct so Fri 15th it'll probably be
  4. Thanks muchly. I'm next due up your way in 4 weeks time for a party! And here is an even clearer link http://www.flashearth.com/?lat=1.853085 ... =0&src=msa Thanks to HnF for the Wikipedia tip which found this view.
  5. No wonder I couldn't find it in GE. Didn't know about the Bing Maps till now which are much sharper. Damn
  6. Been looking hard from info in prev 2 posts but can't see it on GE. Area is in these 2 pics - village of Poland in centre of black circle. The 3rd pic has what appears to be a yacht hull on the beach further east as well. Now the area is narrowed down is that worth the first of the new rum's in stock??
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