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Oversize trailer permits


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On my way to work this morning I went past a Stabicraft 859 which looked rather massive sitting on its trailer. Google tells me that it's max beam is 2.95m which is somewhat larger than what I thought you were allowed for a trailer boat. Google also tells me that you can get an overdimension permit from the LTSA but I haven't yet found out how many flaming hoops you have to jump thru to get one.


Anyone had any experience in obtaining an oversize trailer permit? Is it a pain the ass or just a bit of paperwork?


BTW: Don't worry I'm not considering buying a fizz boat... just exploring an option for something trailer-able but larger than the 2.5m beam allowed under the standard LTSA and NZTYA rules.

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Hi Fineline, it was easy when I did it - quite a while back now, but if less than the requirement for a pilot, you just ask for one. There are/were quite a few restrictions (not on public holidays, not in rush hours,etc etc). We had one when we had a Noelex 30. Never got stopped, and sometimes (when I wanted to tow it in those restricted hours) I just did not put the "oversize" signs on it!

Unless you are stopped by a cop specializing in trucks, it's unlikely they can measure it - need a plumb bob, chalk and a tape..... The trailer will be legal width, so it they measure that you are fine - it's the load, not the vehicle!

Of course, the rules may have changed!

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The T750 Honk 'n' Jack was 2.9m, was told I should have overwidth signs & a flashing light on the car but if I did then I would get pulled over for a check if I didn't then I probably wouldn't. I didn't use the signs & was never stopped. Never had to test the insurance cover though!

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We towed Rocky/Counterpoint from Nelson to Tga a couple of years ago, I researched it at the time and the max was 3m provided we had flags on the edges and didn't travel at night.

The boat was actually 3.1 wide but we went anyway no one said anything even when we had to scrape through the Ferry Terminal. The front of the boat blew off the trailer near Sanson, we stopped to push it back on and a cop pulled up, we expected him to pull the tape measure and ticket book out but he just asked if we needed a hand then left, After reasoning that the traffic would be a lot lighter at night we ended up driving through arriving in Tga about 2 in the morning.

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