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2.8M RIB stolen from Bayswater Marina


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The Red Knight RIB has been found under the Northcote side of the Harbour Bridge.


4HP Mariner outboard, Raytheon VHF fixed mounted radio and other small items missing but less chance of finding them.

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The RIB was found after I posted on neighbourly.co.nz and someone spotted it from the harbour bridge. We drove over and found it hauled up on a grass bank. It actually was an obvious place to go, with dark remote access to a road.


I have spoken to marina security and written to marina management. I have not heard back!!

The nearest video camera has not been working for 6 months!!


Police were down within one day for fingerprints but we think they used rubber gloves as a piece was left snagged on a security cable they tried to cut. They also brought bolt cutters so this was a planned burglary.


Not sure what they will do with a registered EPIRB; maybe they will activate it !!!

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Yes, the new Marina management are not so flash, but at least the cops responded. They did nothing when my car was broken into down there, but in that case the management were excellent, giving me videos of the tow rags in action. I passed these on to the cops who did absolutely squat. Too busy Lasering East Coast rd....


I'm glad you got your RIB back though. Result!

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To any Bayswater Marina people watching......maritime police are interested in this. There has been activity between Westhaven and Bayswater i.e. items stolen from both, found together. There are a lot of unsecured dinghys and outboards down there.

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Back in the 90's when I was involved with Wakatere (commodore), one of the rubber ducks was stolen from a break in.


I kept looking in the herald "boats for sale" guest what there was a identical boat for sale. A quick drive pass a yard out west, that was the boat as it had two big duck drainers on the stern,  down to the police station filled out the paper work and took the boat back. The police followed up to a place on the shore and found a lot more gear.

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