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How much anchor rope

Young Entertainer

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I have 15m of 8mm chain, approx 80m warp and a 25 lb Manson Supreme and it all fits in my 1020 locker.  I have approx half the warp loose in the locker and the other half is neatly tied up and clipped on out of the way just for Barrier trips.  The extra warp is there for the very odd times where I need to anchor in deeper water and it's blowing.  I had 20m chain last time around and if I was going to do it again I would go for the longer length; 15m is a bit short for me.  I see Max Headroom has 30m chain for cruising and that looks to be really useful for tight anchoring situations.


My 2c go see KM for the warp.  I bought some rubbish stuff from a local swindlery (was sold as top of the line) two years ago and it's nearly due for replacement.

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would a total of 70 metres be enough for barrier?  have not cruised there much but know it tends to be the deepest place around here


My thoughts as well.

70m gives you a max anchoring depth of 14m and I thought you needed about 20m for the barrier

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