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Have had a read through it,and this is nothing new,IWI at Pakiri have been wanting a total ban on fishing/gulf use for yrs.
May not agree with the proposals but we have been going around in circles for yrs and no agreement by advocacy groups/enviromental/mpi/greenpeace etc
Sure it will or may impact my activities but do we want to leave a legacy for the next generation or 3??
Does not have to be total closure but limit fish /shellfish take and activities as to pumping vessel waste in to the sea,but need to install waste infrastructure at marinas/ramps first.
Once again we all want the same thing but canot agree on how we achieve it,NO I will not be signing as there is formal proposal on how to solve the issues,rather NAH we dont want one group stepping up with their plans and offering no alternative.

Got sent to me by a mate.



I am emailing to give you a heads up that Aucklanders' ability to freely use and enjoy the Hauraki Gulf is at risk. 

This is because the Hauraki Gulf Forum, a consultative and advocacy body established under the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act, is about to vote to remove elected councillors and in their place establish an iwi controlled model. If this goes ahead 2.2 million residents in and around the Hauraki Gulf will lose their ability for democratic accountability. Councils and elected officials won't even be able to ensure your ongoing access to these waterways and boatramps. 

This proposal will impact recreational fishing, boating, and swimming in some beaches and could be a barrier to businesses who make their livelihood on the Gulf. 

Right now a majority of the Hauraki Gulf Forum’s members, which also includes Ministerial representatives, as well as iwi representatives, are elected Councillors. This is about to change.

The newly formed “Gulf Users Group” has launched a campaign to protect democratic accountability in the Gulf. We are emailing to ask you to consider signing their petition and back the cause via www.GulfUsers.org.nz

The Forum is proposing to ask Government to change its composition to that of 50-50 co-governance authority with mana whenua, and for elected Councillors to be removed. It is proposed that this new Authority develop its own statutory plans that will overrule council policies and even central government rule for all matters in respect of the Gulf. 

Regional Parks also at risk

This will mean that like Lake Waikaremoana, the Auckland volcanic cones and the gems accessible to the public could be cut off at a whim. Auckland Council is also consulting on a Regional Park Draft Management Plan that proposes shifting authority for Regional Parks that border the Gulf to the Forum. It would mean decisions on access to up to 21 of the 28 Regional Parks currently owned by Auckland ratepayers would be controlled by the co-governed Forum.

Some say a co-governance model is in the best interest of the Gulf. Today, Te Urewera, Lake Waikaremoana, and its Great Walk are under a co-governance model. This was established with the best intentions and assurances from Government that access would remain the same. In practice, access to the park, walk and lake has been severely restricted.

We can't give up democratic control of ratepayer assets

dave, take a minute to sign the petition to stop changes to the way the Hauraki Gulf is controlled

>> Click here to sign <<

Thank you for your support.

Jo Holmes

Jo Holmes

Auckland Ratepayers' Alliance

P.S We're backing this campaign because fundamentally here at the Ratepayers' Alliance we are democrats. The gulf proposal is totally inconsistent with democracy and accountability. Click here to support the cause.

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Registrant Name   Franks Ogilvie
Registrant Contact Address  Po Box 10388, The Terrace
Registrant Contact City   Wellington
Registrant Contact Province   NZ
Registrant Contact Postal Code  6043
Registrant Contact Country  NZ (NEW ZEALAND)
Registrant Contact Phone  +64 221930225
Registrant Contact Email  brigitte.morten@franksogilvie.co.nz

What you need to know about Franks Ogilvie. The Wellington legal firm that employs that very nice man Jordan Williams <heavy sarcasm> of Dirty Politics fame is none other than Franks and Ogilvie, which has ex Act MP Stephen Franks as one of two partners.

Franks Ogilvie
04 815 8036 021762542 021 762 542
Executive Director of @TaxpayersUnion

The Taxpayers Union belongs to the Atlas Network, a global group of right wing think tanks funded by the Koch brothers et al. Atlas trains the likes of Williams: he's been to the US on their dime on several occasions, winning "fellowships"
tpu discovered to have been using false identities to make OIA requests including the name 'Raquel Ray.'
Here are just two of the Taxpayers' Unions' social media posts that have made the news for being insensitive. The first for appearing to compare the trauma of the Christchurch terror attack with the Ute tax, the second for allegedly making fun of stroke victims.

And of course we have charming people like Vern Ballance from AKL Ratepayers’ Alliance intimately connected with this bunch of racists.

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27 minutes ago, Kevin McCready said:


Registrant Name   Franks Ogilvie
Registrant Contact Address  Po Box 10388, The Terrace
Registrant Contact City   Wellington
Registrant Contact Province   NZ
Registrant Contact Postal Code  6043
Registrant Contact Country  NZ (NEW ZEALAND)
Registrant Contact Phone  +64 221930225
Registrant Contact Email  brigitte.morten@franksogilvie.co.nz

What you need to know about Franks Ogilvie. The Wellington legal firm that employs that very nice man Jordan Williams <heavy sarcasm> of Dirty Politics fame is none other than Franks and Ogilvie, which has ex Act MP Stephen Franks as one of two partners.

Franks Ogilvie
04 815 8036 021762542 021 762 542
Executive Director of @TaxpayersUnion

The Taxpayers Union belongs to the Atlas Network, a global group of right wing think tanks funded by the Koch brothers et al. Atlas trains the likes of Williams: he's been to the US on their dime on several occasions, winning "fellowships"
tpu discovered to have been using false identities to make OIA requests including the name 'Raquel Ray.'
Here are just two of the Taxpayers' Unions' social media posts that have made the news for being insensitive. The first for appearing to compare the trauma of the Christchurch terror attack with the Ute tax, the second for allegedly making fun of stroke victims.

And of course we have charming people like Vern Ballance from AKL Ratepayers’ Alliance intimately connected with this bunch of racists.

Thanks Kevin, clearly they have another agenda.

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