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Pelagic Mountie

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Pelagic Mountie last won the day on June 6 2017

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  1. Hi everyone. The lower rudder bearing sleeve on a Young 99 has corroded and the needle roller bearings are falling out ☹️. I think the material is Delrin, though I'm not 100% on that. Does anyone know where you can get replacements for these? I also need to do something about repairing the bearing sleeve. Documentation that came with the boat suggests it was the Spindrift brand but I think that may be long gone. Thanks for the help. Bevan
  2. Cheers, this is what I was originally thinking. I'm a bit wary of it being a kite snag hazard though.
  3. Thanks, that's good to keep in mind. Interesting 19.07 first says above main deck level in the first paragraph then later says no lower than upper lifeline.
  4. Any opinions on where is the best place to mount navigation lights on a pulpit? Y99 Geriatrix has only ever had a masthead tri-light. It was 30 years old and broken so I'm getting some stainless mounts added for LED's on the pulpit. If you had a choice, what part would you install them on... under top rail? lower rail? forward? Any pictures of a great setup please? Cheers Bevan
  5. Gidday I'm looking for race crew for Young 99 'Geriatrix'. TYPBC racing and the odd MMYC race. Some experience needed, I'm up to my eyeballs with learners. Cheers Bevan
  6. Thanks guys. Yes definitely bearings, I can see them down in there. Just like this except blue pulleys https://www.svb24.com/en/easylock-easymatic-two-speed-mainsheet-system.html I'm trying CRC Onedrop C&C synthetic, as a cheap alternative to Mclube Onedrop. https://www.crc.co.nz/One-Drop-Range/6895-b9b7dd31-2386-4855-b55a-00ffc53b3f5b/#Popup-Closer 6 bucks from Steves Marine Supplies. Cleaning them and dropping from 12mm to 10mm when I buy a new mainsheet from Knot Me will make the most difference I'd say... until I can slip new blocks past the bean counter.
  7. The survey was a joint effort between NIWA and specialist Hydrographic Survey company Discovery Marine Ltd. (DML). Funded by LINZ and MDC. Yes, there's a lot of data to get through.
  8. Gidday Does anyone use anything to lubricate ball bearing blocks? I read about McLube one drop but anything cheaper and more likely to have around like that 3in1 multi-purpose oil? I've got some old 'easyblock' mainsheet blocks that I'm trying to revive - a good clean helped. Cheers
  9. I bought one of these from Ebay a year ago: http://www.ebay.com/itm/AOPEC-12V-Battery-Monitor-Marine-Yacht-Boat-Battery-Management-/301589473016?hash=item46382226f8:g:5NIAAMXQLoZR08k4 I'm not saying it has the quality or all the functionality of other models mentioned, but it does all I need it to do and seems to work fine. Voltage of start and house battery, charge and discharge amps of the house. Shunt included. The price was appealing.
  10. What you really want is a Davidson 28... and I know a great one.
  11. Thanks Rawhide. I had a look at a few 1020's. I think if a nice one came up I could be swayed. Otherwise I felt some of the other 33 footers had more internal volume for the cruising side of things. Cheers
  12. Trademe ad: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=1263343888&ed=true Looking for a few more feet waterline length. Anyone know of any Roger Land Young 99's coming to market? Also looking at Beale 33, Wright 10, Farr 1020. Cheers Bevan
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