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Far North Boy

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Everything posted by Far North Boy

  1. Interestingly I fitted a new vhf radio to this boat an hour before the collision. I was interviewed by MNZ at lunchtime today about it. Over a year ago one of of my employees was the last person to work on Enchanter just before she left on her fatal voyage. I wasn’t contacted by MNZ regarding that. MNZ are staffed by failed cops, they know nothing about boats so forget any meaningful changes.
  2. The investigators stated they included maintenance in their scope of enquiry and in fact removed the engines (the very same engines one of my guys worked on immediately prior to departure) for inspection. A failed engine could have indeed contributed to the accident.
  3. Did you see the documentary with actual eye witnesses including a highly experienced crew member? Sea conditions were nothing like extreme. The loudmouth commercial fisherman who decried Lance’s decisions is in direct competition with a charter boat he owns.
  4. But not good news for the investigative process used by MNZ. The original lead investigator was removed from the investigation and gagged. He was replaced by a woman with no professional sea going experience and only 6 months at MNZ under her belt. MNZ is basically staffed by failed police officers now, no ex seamen.
  5. So, you or want punishment to pre-empt a court case. This is a typical MNZ beat up. My company were responsible for the last maintenance on Enchanter and we weren’t even contacted in the enquiry. Keep your amateurish opinions to yourself.
  6. All these “skippers”. The weather we got here was a lot worse than forecast. But don’t let that stop you second guessing a professional skipper with more miles under his belt than most.
  7. So many experts who have no idea of what went on. Lance sailed before the weather was called on last Wednesday. The boat is particularly well found. Lance is a highly respected skipper and vessel operator (he has 2 other similar boats. His boats are meticulously maintained and presented. Judge a man but be prepared to be judged in return.
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