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eruptn last won the day on May 11 2024

eruptn had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

104 Excellent

About eruptn

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    Advanced Member

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    Sailing, Volcanoes. Geothermal systems, sail Farr 940.

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  1. Looking at race tracker you can getting a feeling for any tack/gybe…
  2. eruptn

    2GM Water Pump.

    Who is Bill Falconer?…what company
  3. A small leak has started from behind the pulley. What are the servicing/rebuild options? At last impeller service, I had to get cover plate machined (wear groves). Starting to think maybe a new one, what are options? Who is best supplier, are there replacement options?
  4. Is it just me or are there a lot of people sitting on the rails not wearing life jackets ?
  5. eruptn

    37th AC

    Kiwi Girls mange to sneak into the women’s AC event….
  6. After the olympics…easy peasy…
  7. We had 3 staff on board, they stopped at Raoul to service equipment enroute.
  8. eruptn

    37th AC

    The Fleet racing in the little boats is a bit more entertaining …
  9. Would there be online access for outa town people (Teams or Zoom link) ?
  10. eruptn

    37th AC

    They’re going to have to raise minimum wind speed…too many races ‘end’ when one falls of the foils. If they are not going fast enough to talk/ gybe why bother.
  11. https://7news.com.au/news/iconic-wa-leeuwin-tall-ship-damaged-as-another-ship-hits-it-in-freemantle-port-c-15882143
  12. What she looked like https://www.facebook.com/reel/488556607259177
  13. Thanks Big T, hopefully someone will have details
  14. eruptn

    37th AC

    https://www.threenow.co.nz/tv-guide 11pm tonight, 7.30 to 9 Sunday morning
  15. eruptn

    37th AC

    Stumbled onto coverage this morning on TV3. Some good background info about boats n crew, authorised spying etc. The actual sailing/racing was sub par, win start win race… at least graphics used knots.
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