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Everything posted by Beccara

  1. Hi Rigger, All round white up the mast and Red/Green side lights on the the side of each hull
  2. I was under the impression (rightly or wrongly) that you can. When running under motor or motor sailing you are considered a power boat and thus "May combine their stern and masthead lights to one all-round white light." When you are sailing you "Must show red and green sidelights and a white sternlight. These three lights may be combined into a single tri-colour light mounted at the top of the mast on yachts less than 20 metres in length." As per http://www.maritimenz.govt.nz/Publications-and-forms/Lookout/Issue-17-10.asp I spoke to a couple of people who indicated that this
  3. I think i've got the main points but pardon me if i miss the mark. First off when you talk about DSC you have to remember there are 2 systems. VHF and HF - VHF being what most of you know and use. I expect a few here know of HF. HF DSC is a complex topic for boats to use/have wherein i know alot of ICOM M80x HF sets aren't installed with the secondary antenna needed for DSC monitoring NZ Coastguard do not monitor VHF DSC, Taupo Radio DO monitor HF DSC on 4/6/8/12/16mhz. With AIS SART/PLB/EPRIB these devices serve one fuction and one function only. The unit's dont require any real e
  4. Sorry, Got techie heavy there Yes, an EPIRB and PLB will not allow your boat directly to see a MOB, Only a dedicated MOB solution like Raymarine lifetag's which is not available anymore or an AIS SART beacon will allow your boat to directly be informed of the MOB event and where that MOB is at this moment
  5. There are more things to consider than just the claimed accuracy of the gps chip set and the update time of the unit. First off, GPS does have bad days - Over the following month in Whangarei NZ the GPS accuracy will shift around quite a few meters and sats in view used for a lock will change from 3 to 5. Whilst more may be in view at the fringe they will detract from accuracy so the chip will reject their use. Next up, The COSPAS-SATSAR spec shows that without Doppler from LEO all positions from from the EPIRB/PLB will still be treated as position not confirmed. Once a doppler fix can
  6. It broadcast's faster but has a limited range. If someone falls over on a boat and the plotter is setup right it will trigger an alarm and show the location from the AIS beacon on the person in the water. This updates more and is available directly to local ships whereas a PLB/EPIRB device sends updates less frequently and is only accessible to SAR centers and must be relayed to ships in the area through a different means. EPIRB activation's require 2 passes for a track to be established and SAR units to be sent. Once this is done and assets are closer to the area either EPIRB's with 121.5
  7. Good luck and stay safe! Hope it's not too rough for you
  8. Sounds like it's been a bad holidays, I am somewhat thankful we decided to stay put as newbies http://www.nzherald.co.nz/northern-advocate/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503450&objectid=11570867 Quite a few groundings and near misses from all the bad conditions
  9. It's been very frustrating for us, This break was meant to be our family's first time out and about cruising around on our cat after Christmas however the weather kept us put at the Whangarei Marina. The winds have been so bad i've only managed to get up one mast to check the seizing wire :/ Ah well, plenty of 3 day weekends coming up
  10. Thank you very much for taking the time to reply, We're looking at our backup anchor system at the mo and I will be sure to take your advice - Not sure if it is against the rules but do you run a shop? If so what shop? I noticed you left out Rocna from your list of anchors, Is there a reason behind that at all?
  11. We've got a Wharram Tiki 38 thats got 50m of 8mm chain with a small 2m section of heavy stainless at the anchor end, Not sure about it's size but it's gotta be atleast 15mm. We've had our bruce re-galved and will weigh it tonight but it feels around the 15kg mark, I was wondering if you had any ideas on the boat the loadings involved and what system you would recommend if it was a clean start? Cheers
  12. Is there a way to get in touch for advice of our anchor setup as it stands?
  13. 2 days of struggling to get our new instrument plate to the top of the mast has resulted in nothing but jammed cables in the mast Not a cherry picker in town that can reach and climbing up leaves us too short to work on the top. About the only thing that went well is the new hull lashing went on perfect the first time
  14. I'm giving serious consideration to overseas registration on our boat and just getting a Cat 1 inspection done anyway because of the fee hikes
  15. the Li-Air tech is cool but it's biggest problem is really needing pure O2 at the cathode (?) end if my memory isn't completely shot. Moisture was still the biggest issue plaguing all the ?-Air battery tech and was one of the main reason zinc-air never went rechargeable The Lazarus tech looks promising aswell, Will have to sit down and have a good read of the papers behind it!
  16. If you walk around like you should be there then people including those in security will act like you belong there. This type of system is security theater as madyottie has demonstrated so clearly. Whilst security is needed the money spent on this system would have been better spent on security camera's and lighting rather than inconveniencing everyone for no real security gain
  17. Just to be that guy, Electrolysis doesn't require salt water - Any water really will start it unless it's pure water, Pure water is used to clean power lines as it doesn't conduct electricity but even slight contamination will allow a electricity to pass causing the corrosion to start/continue. Wheel's, Is the treated timber comment something specific? 3 gin's down and cant figure it out Here's some guys cleaning power lines
  18. Has anyone else heard about this? https://www.facebook.com/CoastguardNorthernRegion/posts/10153804493130555 Sounds like they are not too badly damaged but here's hoping they arrive without incident tomorrow
  19. Ha! Most of it's just basic's supplemented by an energy project I worked on a while ago around biomass gasification and biogas digesters and subsequent operation and maintenance challenges in new plants.
  20. Oxide isn't too bad in that it's fairly safe to humans, AlCL3 is not safe and is a know nurotoxin. There's two things here, One is the water it's self - Taking city supply to fill your tanks will create ALCL3 in your tank that will hang around in your water supply so either do rain collection or filter the city water in fresch charcoal filters. The next thing is tank cleaning which your specifically asking about - Using either peroxide or chlorine should always result in a very good rinsing of the tank with pure water only to prolong the tank life and avoid pinhole leaks. It's safer on the
  21. Yeah it's pretty safe, Handbook of corrosion say's Aliminium is used in distilling and transport making reference to Alloys 1060,5052 and 6063. You may accelerate or build current oxide deposits in the tank due to the strone oxidizing nature of peroxide but you'd kill any bugs. A 100 micron filter would pick up most of the free floating oxide deposits without clogged up every week
  22. The chemical path is 2AL + 3CI form's ALCL3 and is the white chalky substance they will be talking about. You can see an advanced reaction rate if you heat foil and dip it in a heavy chlorine solution. Without heat this reaction is fairly slow and I doubt you'd live long enough to see it eat a hole in a tank. Having said that ALCL is a nurotoxin with heavy links to motor function based illness's and whatnot. If you cant avoid the use of the material then i would seal it with a food safe sealer, Take your pick of epoxies or whatnot - even 291's approved for water
  23. That's quite the leap. There is a major difference between a massive inconvenience for no real security gain and willfully polluting the sea
  24. Lock's only keep honest people out, If swipe cards and key kept everyone out then nobody would ever get burgled. Whangarei marina Town basin - dusk till dawn it's closed gates, Couple of boat yards here are wide open gates till dusk. Swipe cards are security theater at it's best since most can be cloned and/or read at a distence and the cards physical security is in the hands of 3rd parties when you pass them out. If someone's wallet was stolen how long would it take for them to get down the list of people to call? After banks, work etc etc it may take 12-48 hours to kill a card by which time
  25. There's alot of black and white talk going on in here We're currently hauled out for a bit of work and I tell you what, There are some really serious issues in Northland atleast. Atleast 70% of the companies I've had to deal with are just plain sh*t. A month ago when I confirmed my haulout date I got some recommendations from the yard and other people I know and we went door knocking letting them know in a month we'd be out with X project for them to do, We've now hauled out and went back to these companies only to be told in one case the guy we needed went on holiday and we'd need to
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