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Priscilla II

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Everything posted by Priscilla II

  1. You meet people during your life’s journey that have access to great energy here is one such person. Bernard included George Greys piano onboard. https://sylfia.org/about/ Now a YouTube vessel. Another version doing the Northwest passage
  2. Crikey it is a economic miracle with mainsails larger than rugby fields. https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2019/06/record-number-of-superyachts-booked-for-america-s-cup.amp.html
  3. I watch Madds as some sort of therapeutic relief when one has has a complex boat project that did not go according to plan this guy is like the energizer bunny and I do hope that one day he and Ava get to go sailing. Saying that I have known a few serial boat builders that spent their lives in sheds rather than on the open sea and would not be too surprised if he starts another yacht after completing this one. I think I will add a Clamptite to my toolkit as looks like it could also be handy for holding stuff whilst glueing brazing whatever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMQvEl0jKqM htt
  4. Where does the internal shroud base terminate. Is it to a ring frame.
  5. Crikey why on earth did the skipper choose to fluff about tooting his horn then turn up into the freighters path simply leaves me dumbfounded. Damned lucky many did not perish. https://youtu.be/aXrTvVh4NOs https://archive.org/details/31014SportsParadeSeaGoingThrills
  6. Well I think I will ditch my 10m wooden log and purchase a 42m mega fugly thingy and take up Auckland City’s kind offer of $996 per annum to moor. That will shake Simon and Paula’s crate of Dom. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12240650
  7. Could be a bargain for a savvy boatbuilder means not diy territory.
  8. As the Doctor observes the percussion and moisture irregularities are deck and cabin top not hull below the waterline related. Would you take it on depends on the depth and width of your wallet. Soft decks and topside structures can lead to costly complex fixes. Monies that are spent on fixes and never returned are a common economic feature / reality of yachting. IMHO at that price bracket it would be a wise move to reach a bit further spend wise and purchase a less initially troubled craft.
  9. Crikey what a little cutie. Bet she is a bit hefty. Needs to be nesting on a deck like this. https://vimeo.com/94431938
  10. From memory Curlew required quite a bit of restorative work once gifted to the Cornwall Maritime Museum. Maybe due to the lack of sheathing cloth to act as a barrier. Faceplant footage Curlew in action. https://www.facebook.com/NMMCWorkshop/videos/297680797722850/
  11. Curlew was epoxy coated with no fibreglass cloth after the application of 3 skins of glued kauri.
  12. What a little cracker. Water ballasted towable rightable queen size double berth. http://www.offcenterharbor.com/pt-watercraft-g32-success/
  13. Maybe AT could look towards this technology as a option to the Fullers mafia.
  14. Quite possibly after 7 years it is well due for replacement.
  15. Ahh the McGregor 26 what a boat. Ceased production in 2013. Had one come past us powering up the harbour whilst we were taking a wind against tide pasting and crikey it was for a millisecond unashamedly quite appealing. https://youtu.be/tHneDA6vwm8
  16. http://www.seabubbles.fr/en/products https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeAmbKeHuiE Ferry version. https://plugboats.com/flybus-seabubbles-new-hydrofoil-electric-ferry/
  17. Crikey it even has a tiller.
  18. Crikey this is unbelievable. Government to spend $17mil to pay the commercial fishing industry to film the demise and extinction of the Maui . f*ck when does the political arm twisting evil influence of commerce and the pursuit of profit within the fishing industry cease.
  19. Sad news for Westhaven those pesky Northlanders got the silver. https://www.ibinews.com/awards/mia-club-marine-marina-award-winners-announced/34175.article
  20. Have the Innes Jones Bros squared away the debt owed to employees,out of pocket suppliers and the tax department. Probably not and as Puff points out the stock value matches the general security holders interests. Km you obviously have a vested interest in this so called liquidation as you have previously pointed to the trade it has generated for yourself. Waxing lyrical about the trading costs and onerous environment for the remaining Innes Jones bros would be like swallowing a cup of cold sick for those left out of pocket. The company liquidation laws in this country are continually off
  21. There are projects and then there are projects....Originally she was twin engined. Johnny and Loti certainly put quite a few miles under her keel with several trips to Tonga including Queensland.
  22. https://map.winchesclub.org/en/ Followed by the Mini Fastnet.
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