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Priscilla II

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Everything posted by Priscilla II

  1. Canopy & Squab Shop under Sails Restaurant by L pier.
  2. From memory it ended ended up at the bottom of the Gulf somewhere out between the Barrier and Coromandel.
  3. Nam Sang. Man, she was one pretty yacht. Owned by a Auckland car dealer if memory is correct and then liberated by false pre-tenses offshore by original American owner. Sadly this magnificent lady ended her days sunk in a river somewhere in the USA.
  4. Maybe Greg Young would have a opinion when it comes to disappearing yachts.
  5. Thanks for the post BB. On so many levels this thread invokes a lot of happy emotions. I was introduced to becoming a sea person by my father. Despite our differences and difficulties I have managed to pass to my kids and grand children the greatest gift that I in a lot of ways inadvertently received from my dad.
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