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Small bit of carbon tube needed - Auckland


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Anyone got lying around a little piece of carbon tube for making a bobstay hole through the knuckle of my 830?

I know I could get something sent from Kilwell but we are talking a little offcut...anything with an id of 15-25mm and a max length of 100mm.


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i've got something black that seems more like a frp broom handle than anything else, not light enough to be carbon......


you're welcome to 300?mm of that if nothing better turns up

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Ive rescued a few bits from the rubbish pile that accumulated over the weekend, you chose -

30mm ID x 4mm wall x 175mm long

25mm ID x 2mm wall x 359mm long

15mm ID x 3mm wall x 300mm long

make it quick as its heading for the tip early next week.

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