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iPads nav

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There is so many ipad map apps out there , I was looking a navionics , memory map etc what am I missing out on what others are there , good detailed charts , accurate depths , accurate Chanel track etc ease of use on long hauls , good vis day and night , I pads can be mounted ok in the cockpit these days easly and covered easly for view and shade from light etc , what are you guys using

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Ipads are ok for local sailing, but I would not use one as my primary navigation source. Because:

Poor sunlight visibility, not really robust, not waterproof, no external hardware connections - like Ethernet for radar etc.

They are great for convenience and as a backup. IMO.

I mostly use mine for a remote connection to the navigation pc on-board.

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On our most recent trip I had the old GPS from the 90's that would spit out Lat and Long plus paper charts. Mostly coz it was there. My intention was to use open cpn on my laptop with a GPS dongle. WHich worked perfectly. But I discovered it was easier to just look at my phone occasionally when I wanted to know where we were. The crew also had navionics or Mariner mx on their phones. so lots of redundancy.

I also had a sextant.

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I use the Garmin Bluecharts on a iPad mini (with 3G) so it has the GPS chip, works well as a supplement or backup. The screen is larger than the handheld so it's pleasant in that respect. It's a very useful aid and has worked well on Coastal and Auck to Tga type events.


As IT points out there are potential shortfalls, however there are advantages too.

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i used to use ipad navonics but now use open CPN and a bluetooth gps unit ,  on my macbook inside   amazing.  have 3 gps on board excluding phones and ipads , paper charts ... still loving open cpn some amazing addons out there as well

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yeah i got sent a replaement lowrance in New Calidonia... and put it on, went out and headed to a new harbour...   said to myself that doesnt make sense breaking water in 2m... new unit was set to ft.....


got to always trust the chart and your instinct and stay in deep water

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