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Boat washing with salt water

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For those of you in Auckland, how are you cleaning your decks and topsides without using fresh water?

We usually give the boat a good soapy scrub this time of year with plenty of fresh water and a hose, but with the water restrictions in Akl we'll need to use seawater. So question is, is there a decent saltwater detergent that we should use? or what are others doing to stay presentable?

Thx muchly



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Two options I've recently done

  • I recently hooked up out water blaster to the salt water deck wash pump and gave the boat a good washdown - worked mint and the next lot of rain washed the salt all away. Hopped in the dinghy and cleaned up the waterline too, which is a good way to do it when you have 180ft of dirty waterline (44ft cat).
  • We recently hauled out and wanted to wash the boat down in the yard - so we took our own water to the yard in a 250L plastic barrel on our dinghy trailer. We have a 10,000 rainwater tank at home, so heaps of water there. Lasted about a hour of waterblasting. I might do this next time I need to give the boat a good washdown on the mooring, just take the full water barrel out in the dinghy. 



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Thanks for the input all, for some reason i never knew salt water boat soap existed!

Looks like a trip to Bursco and some elbow grease are on the adgenda this weekend.


BTW Wheels, shes 42ft of Comalcos finest, barely a timber fibre in sight 😎 

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