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Racing is on again

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Common sense has prevailed.

SportNZ and YNZ have announced that no physical distancing limits or mask mandates will apply to people participating in sporting activities such as yacht racing. 

Auckland clubs have started advertising a busy summer of races, kicking off on December 3rd.


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On 27/11/2021 at 11:18 AM, ex Elly said:

Doesn't state whether you have to show vaccine pass to crew on a keelboat.

Bubbles are gone.  Recreational sports teams are considered a gathering.  Distancing requirements within a gathering is gone. 

Gatherings at Level RED can have up to

  • 25 unvaccinated people so long as the total space available to the gathering is at least 1m2 per person


  • 100 vaccinated people so long as the total space available to the gathering is at least 1m2 per person

You can also have multiple gatherings at a location but the gatherings have to stay separate and have the above space requirement per gathering. 

I think any boat would be hard pushed to have more crew than m2 of deck space. Maybe a piedy loaded for a piedy party?  We don't have any race yachts in NZ that would have over 25 crew... 

So fundamentally, that means that a boat yacht racing doesn't have a mandated vaccination requirement - but that will change when heading back to the club room.

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SSANZ Evolution Northern Triangle will be a fully vaccinated event under these rules

We will also need to amend requirements to split briefings and prize givings to stay under the 100 as this stands

On the good side is with the traffic light system regions will be open and we will just have to abide by the level at the stops

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