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Everything posted by ScottiE

  1. ScottiE

    AC day 7

    DAY 7 USA vs NZ https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXSUpnMk5rbnBzLTA UK vs JAPAN https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXblExRGZ2R3JLVEk FRANCE vs SWEDEN https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXZUJyNTFxeHRLM0U USA vs UK https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXNjQ5R1lDR3pmaVU
  2. Seems to think he has exclusivity on innovation in the AC. Forgotten where he learnt that from!
  3. "An event in Auckland alone wouldn't work these days, both commercially for the teams and commercially for the sponsors," This from the guy who took to an island in the middle of nowhere with 60,000 residents and couldn't be bothered selling tickets and opening the village yesterday as it was originally a lay day!
  4. ScottiE

    AC Day 6

    again - courtesy of Rudder_NZ at SA NZ vs JAPAN https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXRDJ2SENwR2s0ZUk ARTEMIS vs USA https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXN0lIdjZRN0xSb3M NZ vs FRANCE https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXWF9kZDRVWGFCSGs SWEDEN vs JAPAN https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXN0lIdjZRN0xSb3M
  5. When I eventually get one it will be furled using a WIFE1.0
  6. fresh water wash it thoroughly (and I mean every seam, corner kink etc) while inflated, leave it to dry outside for a day, then leave it inside for a week in the garage provided it is well ventilated. then pack it down. You want it as dry as you can with no salt residue
  7. the Herald editors are a bunch of arogant c**ts. Peter Lester wrote that piece - his name was attributed to it when it 1st went up.
  8. Today's races - courtesy of SA Day 5 France vs Japan https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXcmhBLW9qR0JQUkE NZ vs GB https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXci1zMldJakc1LTQ Oracle vs Japan (Sorry I missed the start) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXQmhZRWFJTXUzREU UK vs France https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXTjE1RlBGRzBUc2c
  9. What a race by TNZ. What a shocker by Japan. What a cockups by the TV guys. I had the TV coverage a full minute behind the virtual eye
  10. I'm with Clipper. Which the long way to say No!
  11. ScottiE

    AC day 4

    https://drive.google...MjBGOUJOemJDNDQ per IT's post earlier today
  12. yeh - didn't think it looked too bad - pretty similar shape to Voom's - just your prod is not quite as long. It's usually the m/h gennes that sheet to the aft beam
  13. ScottiE

    AC day 4

    just watched the replay - doesn't appear from the graphics that a penalty was awarded. Is there some way to check this. I see a few of scenarios. 1. TNZ did not bother protesting as they knew they had it in the bag - Artemis just gave up on that gybe after the mark also 2. TNZ did protest - was given but imediately rubbed out because there was already a delta of more than two boat lengths after the incident 3. TNZ did protest but umpires did not deem a penalty Do the graphics indicate if a penalty has been "called"? If it's 2. above then it does seem like a slight flaw in the ap
  14. ScottiE

    AC day 4

    yeh but what matters most is will it get TNZ the cup this time round.
  15. ScottiE

    AC day 4

    Yup - Tuke and Ashby well and truly set that mark rounding up perfectly.
  16. ScottiE


    just like the AC - only more affordable!
  17. wow - that's a pretty cool unit. 950 NZD at 360 Marine 349 GBP from NASA Marine in the UK still a pretty big fraction!
  18. ScottiE

    Rigid vangs

    we've managed okay - 12 nights since we launched the boat on 13 Jan - with 2 young kids - that ain't bad
  19. ScottiE

    Rigid vangs

    not yet Ken but on the winter task list - along with about a 100 others! about to infuse a boom plate for VB to pattern a cover to but wanted to jimmy something up in the mean time. Need to also change the way the original lazy jack set up - attached to the spreaders which I'm a bit unconfortable with. Had other more pressing things to worry about - like launching the bloody thing to enjoy some of the summer!
  20. ScottiE

    Rigid vangs

    that's almost exactly what I've been trying to come up with on my boat. I was sketching things up using a single batten with ends glassed in. Didn't think of the slotted end at the boom - that's clever! Reckon one would work on a T SD?
  21. I'll put a plug in for our very own Southern Inflatables Puffin roll ups. Don't know I they sell in Europe but they should. Our last one survived 13 years on the dock at Westhaven - new one has a far more charmed storage life. When I was researching I found them very light for the payload capacity - easily motor with wife and kids out to the boat in 15kts - if a little wet. I lift it easily over the aft beam and manoeuvre position it on deck for sailing. Don't even bother with the hard dinghy - last time I used that was when I took the 8hp from Euphoria up the river to Ballistic when I fi
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