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Priscilla II

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Everything posted by Priscilla II

  1. Yup it’s all on. Fleet of 16 and only .7 of a knot in it . 24599 nm to go.
  2. As a contractor repeat clientele are the lifeblood of the business. If you have in the past received professional quality workmanship why not show some loyalty to that service provider. Nothing nicer than having my princess pampered by someone that I have built a long standing relationship with.
  3. Next boat going Airhead. Toilet not wife that is.
  4. Do not think that they will be generating much loot in Okahu Bay. http://www.maoritelevision.com/news/national/boats-no-moor-okahu-bay As a young fella I used help stripping mussels of the breakwater piles with a local Maori and his kids in a Idle Along. On a good day we could get half a dozen sacks. Maybe that is why I glow in the dark?
  5. Crikey just one minute of fuel left in the chopper, no wonder the swimmer didn't want to hang around while Doris hunted for her handbag. Four electric bilge pumps and a manual all clogged with debris how many pumps do you need. Hell of a experience. But hey they are alive and fortunately its only stuff that was lost.
  6. If you are ever in Dublin take the time to see this yacht. https://www.rte.ie/news/2014/0725/633075-the-extraordinary-story-of-the-asgard/
  7. Sanitry grade pipe lasts for yonks without perfuming if you just chuck a bucket of fresh water in the loo and flush it through after each trip.
  8. Why on earth would you want to spend $50 on tape to wrap your pooh pipe. Painting it with anti pooh smell paint Christ it’s gotta be April. As Wheels says buy the correct product for the job.
  9. Nearly half the fleet will be Rustler 36's.
  10. True, my memory is getting a bit tricky. https://www.ultimboat.com/pen-duick Club Mediterranee Became this. https://www.marinetraffic.com/sv/ais/details/ships/shipid:297988/mmsi:253443000/imo:8942797/vessel:PHOCEA
  11. In french of course. Not the film Tabarly. http://dai.ly/x1j9yys
  12. Bloody incredible achievement for a couple of young kiwi guys and you are right AJ old school feet on the ground humble types as well. Brunel climbed all over Manfred incredible sailing.
  13. Definitely been there and had that look from the wife. http://www.jean-guichard.com/sites/default/files/styles/photography_full/public/photographies/s-nb-169298p04033.jpg?itok=mlq77ucV
  14. Eric at Marsden wharf when I was a young puppy. Photo by Gary Baigent. https://www.boatdesign.net/attachments/penduick1v-jpg.67753/
  15. Both. The old fulla is not measuring his journeys success in terms of returning to home port in fact getting anywhere apart from the initial launch site seems to be his speciality. Andrew has crossed the Tasman and ventured to the Auckland Islands and back. I am sure he is focused on returning to a home port but both endeavours In my view are just plain foolhardy. Search and rescue will get some unnecessary skill and resource tests and all for what exactly. This race to the bottom is just plain self indulgent idiocy but each to his own. What was Andrew McCaulys last communique “ I have f
  16. Nah, just figured out that he can make more rapid progress with a beam on approach to both sea and wind. More interesting and entertaining than the Volvo and the Tasman Kayak combined. Native he may well be nuts but he is no dullard who can only be of harm to himself and he is giving it a crack plus some.
  17. Brrr looks damn cold.
  18. Crikey , if he reckons the boat is a bit wobbly now he will know all about the lack of stability when and if he ever gets into the liquid Himalayas. Sill he has a bit of a rattle on and the 1.6 kn average may climb further. Like the comment about how things below are getting pretty rank.
  19. The French have dominated single handing for some time. Call it cultural as their sailors are national heroes. Here is one of the best Loik Peyron in a old French woody.
  20. Not long to go now. http://goldengloberace.com/
  21. Piles are going in the bin soon and how many youngsters have got the coin to pay the fees ,not many if any. Hence the popularity of Milford etc. Resources will be further stretched when Okahu Bay becomes mooring free. My point is that yachting is a sport and the Piedy is where many young people from all backgrounds start a life long passionate exciting journey. Lets not for the lust of a few roubles create a sea of difficulty for others that want to go where we have been. Apologies for the thread drift...
  22. Yup, the diver issue joins many that continue to surface at the facility. You can still wipe your own bum but that will most probably join the list of lost causes if it has not already. Costs of berths, parking ,power compliance and wildlife risks...what next. One of my pet rants is how the Piedy fleet are consigned to the tidal vagrancies of the Milford Marina and risky swing moorings whilst the whopper stink pot sales berth dominates a prime corner of the facility. The mullet boats rightly get pride of place but the single largest and cheapest feeder design for the young of us to get out
  23. Yup sex on fire would be a enigma ,bloody painful as well.
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