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2GM Water Pump.

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A small leak has started from behind the pulley. 
What are the servicing/rebuild options?

At last impeller service, I had to get cover plate machined (wear groves). Starting to think maybe a new one, what are options?

Who is best supplier, are there replacement options?


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Just did this 6 months ago, they are usually are rebuildable. Your small leak means the bearings are probably gone but the lip seal and bearings on the shaft are available from Saeco's, the face plate can be lapped flat on a sheet of glass with varying grades of wet and dry, you can get gasket paper from most engineering supply places. The "foot" which compresses the impeller vanes may be a bit worn as probably 40 years old like most of them but the 2GM doesnt need much water so they have to be really stuffed. Take care removing the shaft and removing the bronze screw holding it in place if you do decide to remove it. At this point so close to xmas Id remove the pump and just replace the seal, bearings and impeller then pick the best side of the faceplate and lap it. Put it all back together and go boating. For parts give Bill Falconer a call, not sure who the other Yanmar agents are.



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There is a marine service place in the original orams boat stacky thing beside what used to be pier 21. Showing my age - I think its AB Marine?? Anyways I had my 3gm30F waterpump rebuilt there a whileback. I thought they were reasonably priced, but regardless - parts for mine were obtained there 

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On 15/12/2024 at 9:13 PM, Psyche said:

Just did this 6 months ago, they are usually are rebuildable. Your small leak means the bearings are probably gone but the lip seal and bearings on the shaft are available from Saeco's, the face plate can be lapped flat on a sheet of glass with varying grades of wet and dry, you can get gasket paper from most engineering supply places. The "foot" which compresses the impeller vanes may be a bit worn as probably 40 years old like most of them but the 2GM doesnt need much water so they have to be really stuffed. Take care removing the shaft and removing the bronze screw holding it in place if you do decide to remove it. At this point so close to xmas Id remove the pump and just replace the seal, bearings and impeller then pick the best side of the faceplate and lap it. Put it all back together and go boating. For parts give Bill Falconer a call, not sure who the other Yanmar agents are.



Who is Bill Falconer?…what company

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