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syohana last won the day on October 31 2022

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  1. Use a pypilot - it costs very little, will work with your existing motor and steers better than commercial options costing a hundred times more. If you're not into tinkering then you can buy a pre-built onesean with a motor controller from sean at pypilot.org
  2. If you're still looking I think we have a 1" propshaft in our storage, the end with the taper is broken off but I think it's still longer than 1250mm so you could have it cut to length and machine a new taper on it. Email sales@electricboat.co.nz if you're interested.
  3. Thanks very much, so you think anchoring in the channel will be a problem with limited swing room and possibly circling with wind against tide breaking the anchor out and resetting? Maybe better to anchor outside at Wellington bay? Or is it sheltered enough further up that she'll lie to the tide reliably?
  4. HI there, Does anyone have up to date information about Ngunguru? Local knowledge or recent experience? The bar has a reputation for moving so I don't trust any of the charts or pilot books, never been in there before. I'm considering going in tomorrow with a 1.1m draft. 1. What's the least depth on the bar (and is that at high tide, low tide or chart datum?) Tides are curently neaps, range 1.1m-2.2 2. Does the channel currently align with the channel markers and are the markers good? 3. Where is good to anchor inside? depth at low tide? Enough space for a 50ft c
  5. Sorry only our jetty can take that length and we are currently using the jetty ourselves. The mooring directly opposite is available now, max length for that is 15m/50ft.
  6. I'm writing to mooring owners, boating clubs and commercial vessel operators in the Far North to draw your attention to the proposed new FNDC bylaw targeting us and ask you all to please make submissions on it. This by-law gives the council unlimited control over commercial users of FNDC landings, wharves and boat ramps without any accountability. The new bylaw seems to have been designed to give the council extra powers for the purpose of taking revenge on me and my boat hire business after I prosecuted a council official who had abused council powers to attack me, but it will
  7. Actually Yacht comes from Jacht which is dutch for "hunt" (if you go back far enough "hunt" and "jacht" are actually the same word, the sound just gradually changed apart in English and Dutch). The very first boats used exclusively for pleasure/leisure in the Netherlands rather than for commercial, military or transport purposes were for wealthy people to go hunting (mostly shooting ducks). So hunting boats were the only pleasure craft and the name eventually stuck to all pleasure craft, then got adopted into English because we didn't have our own word for pleasure craft. ...
  8. We have used Cook Islands and Jersey. Cook islands is expensive, a lot of paperwork and only lasts a short time. Jersey is cheap and lasts ten years before renewal. All you need is a tonnage measurement. Jersey is definitely the best and lowest cost option. We used Cook Islands when we were operating commercially because they have the same commercial survey requirements as NZ but Jersey do not. Use Cook Islands for a commercial vessel but Jersey is best for recrreational yachts.
  9. That does seem to cover it, though the maximum sentence is rather low. I wouldn't be surprised if Maritime NZ say the launch isn't a commercial vessel so they will leave it to the police to prosecute (and perhaps MaritimeNZ decide to prosecute the ferry on a technicality because it's commercial). ....Meanwhile the police say it's under the Maritime Transport Act, they'll leave it to Maritime NZ to prosecute. .....Meanwhile the deadline to file charges slips by.
  10. Looks like the anchor sticking out on the bow did most of the damage like a battering ram. I'm not so sure the boston whaler was especially well built, it just hit head on. Triangles of any material are very strong, the triangular bow of the launch hit the flat side of the ferry and easily swept off the wheelhouse which was non-original, non-structural, lightweight and just tacked on top of the ferry. If it had been the other way around then I'm sure the triangular bow of the ferry would have destroyed the flat side of launch quite effectively. The lack of damage below the waterline
  11. All NZ standards are available free of charge from public libraries. Considering the extortionate price to buy them, that's a good workaround! If they don't have it at your local library they'll be happy to order it from Auckland in a few days.
  12. If you're worried about the metal seacocks being old and corroded, replace them with Trudesign type. If you're not sure, hit them with a hammer next time you're out of the water. If they break then you need new ones If the metal hasn't gone soft then keep them, just poke a stick up into them with a blob of waterproof grease on it and work them back and forth a few times a year so they don't seize up. The hose is usually too short to come off but replace it if it's getting old and make sure there are two tight stainless hose clamps in good condition on each end. One potential sa
  13. They did get Crumbs off the beach, and in style! About 20 people pushed her all the way down the beach by hand!!!! I tracked down this video on reddit, well worth watching: returning_a_beached_yacht_back_into_the_wild
  14. It was fun, plus there was a fair chance she'd smash into one of our boats if she broke loose so it wasn't entirely an act of charity! We eventually tracked down the owner in Wellington, they had only just bought the boat. Some pics below. A lot of the piles round here are rotten...
  15. Ouch! Crumbs was my old boat. She has a good strong hull, did they get her off OK? Meanwhile in a relatively sheltered bit of Kerikeri river opposite us a very big heavy timber launch on a pile mooring first broke both her bow lines before the storm even got started (they were more properly described as rotten strings) and was swinging around one pile bumping it so I went over in a small boat and put a bow line on her and attached an extra stern line from the other pile. Next morning after the storm that new bow line was holding fine but the pile at the other end had broken off completely
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