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Pecco last won the day on March 20 2024

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About Pecco

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  1. Mate I can only second that. I run into some trouble myself and truly, respect. Even the food was ok🙃
  2. Nice pics David! Not good being in hospital...., I am glad you're better. Keep up the good vibes See you out there
  3. Does this mean that single handing will encounter more resistance?
  4. Hey crew, I have some aluminium David's as a surplus. $450 for a crew member. They are listed on trademe for $550 https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/boats-marine/parts-accessories/blocks-shackles-deck-hardware/listing/4776199606 Cheers
  5. I would personally replace any of the fundamental elements of the boat unless they had been taken care of already. About following seas, I am not sure I can agree....it does not feel that bad....
  6. I can confirm I fixed it myself for about $150. Checked some info in other forums and ordered the parts from the US. From memory the diameter of the seal is 12mm, not 13 like stated in the post. You can actually buy the all assebly and just stick it in. Check this guy's items https://www.ebay.com/itm/123359509860
  7. Unfortunately, I am no expert and when I looked at them, it looked like stainless. I have never seen money before so, I wouldn't know. What I know is they looked good. Water ingress was only shy of them so, it was all revealed in time...
  8. In my heart I new the answer to the peoblem....just redo what is there I suppose I needed a confirmation that hell grinding and vacuum blowing was the solution. It may end up not being to bad ...the whole process of dismantling the cabinetry, insulate the working space for dust, rebuilding everything, is actually more involving than the job it self. I tell myself that this is probably the last big job left....
  9. Sure I am all in for the pro advise! I ll let you know how this evolves. It may take some time before i can get someone to have a look though.... 100% work vs 0% lately......looking to stay the same for a while....
  10. Yes, tedious job for sure but, you I've got to do what you ve got to do to do what you want to do. I can hear how it sounds like over doing it but, I ll be going offshore so I feel that I need to asses/address all the structural element of the boat. K4309, thank you for pointing out how the bolts could actually cause troubles, good points! I need to be confident that with hard work, humbleness and knowledge the maintainens I do on the boat is emproving it, I could not own an old boat otherwise. I am wandering if an xray or eco sounding could help...? Ultimately using
  11. It is definitely proven to work over time. The concern I have with the design is that you can not inspect it and the environment you are creating for the chain plate is far from ideal...replacing in the future is hard. I finally got the time and courage to take off all the lining that always obstructed a proper inspection. The reason for wanting to change them is because there is evidence of water ingress from the deck. Bit of rust here and there, where the chain plate is exposed, no idea what s happening behind the fiber glass. Where the chain plate enters the hull, the glas
  12. Pls I need some help. Cavalier 32 50 years old encapsulated (glassed over) chain plates. Pls see the pics They reslly need to be replaced.... I really would not want to reglass them in. I am thinking of taking the old one off the hull. Re glass the void. Reproduce the same chain plate (with a knee and horizontal plates and going for the same deck exit location). Make a new matching plate to through bolt from the outside of the hull. Intuitively I 'd think I would need to through bolt in all the locations where the original chain plate were glassed in r
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