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Everything posted by SloopJohnB

  1. Don't all cruising boats lower their sails at sunset and then hoist them at sunrise.
  2. What and have another council IT blowout.
  3. Use the key 3 up from the bottom left on the keyboard........it's called the "Caps Lock"
  4. SloopJohnB

    RNI 2016

    So what happened about the A2B race????
  5. The text is much better when the photos come up. I have done some vacuuming only on small model parts and on the bigger pieces I put a layer of wadding between the peel ply and the bag. 3mm foam panels squeezed between 2 pieces on glass.
  6. Very interesting and great shots. http://vimeo.com/91508446 http://vimeo.com/111508651 http://vimeo.com/108027163
  7. and the John Denver classic...... "Jonathan Living Seagull" http://www.jonathanlivingstonseagull.com/
  8. Correct on the first two. It's the male toilet seat at Paua World in Carterton.
  9. Have a guest where I was over Easter????
  10. it leaked......can't you see the holes.
  11. If you are ever at the pub at low tide, you can see where the props have gone thru the mud. I have heard that my tinnie made quite few of them many years ago, the boys wakeboarding.
  12. I can remember when sailing on a well known 42footer (43 years ago) putting it on the sand at Bucklands beach with a spinnaker pole as a strut either side of the boat to hold it upright. Clean the bottom at low tide, go to the pub until full tide to float it off and back to the mooring.
  13. You could have saved the cockpit if you opened the hatchway.
  14. Rurmour has it...... that a 90 ft canter will perform better than a 100 ft, if that's helps with the bank manager.
  15. Is that GR that sailed with the "Cowboys"?
  16. What 45 year old rum sloshing around in the bilge.
  17. Four days on the sundeck of a launch recording the finishing numbers at the Laser nationals in Napier.
  18. SloopJohnB


    Not for fat buggers Optimal Weight 70kg I presume that is crew weight. Same for PT crew weight 70 - 78kg and knot 90 kgs like someone I know.
  19. boats, buildings, machinery, industrial & process piping.
  20. What about this one. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=f09_1346454177 And slow motion http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=db9_1346492681
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