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Sailing NZ

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Sailing NZ last won the day on April 3 2020

Sailing NZ had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

25 Good

About Sailing NZ

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Bay of Islands
  • Interests
    Challenging the one eyed lefties like BP,( and the small " clique" of boring posters,) who push thier septic myopia with impunity without repercussion under the guise of a admin title that is undeserved... IT needs to grow some balls, and the sites membership, before the advertisers realise they are not getting value for money.

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  1. Yip, but i guess experience only come with age. ... And youth is wasted on the young people.... Which is great for us older guys.
  2. ?... I think you might be on the spectrum. I did not write Beale!
  3. Can't find this in trademe. Any link?
  4. To racey a cockpit for me. Need more open, twin wheel, open transom. Nice boats. Is yours Northern rebel?
  5. Is that a statement or question?... Try to moderate your drinking eh! Not even close. Coutts by a country mile followed by Ainsley. Then Conner. I don't rate the 49er ahead of the finn. The finn is a tougher class to win.
  6. Dont get me wrong I've built and owned timber boats of all makes in the past. I just want about with space head room, easily sailed, and onky requires a annual AF, wax, buff, basic service... Been watching a Elliot tourer twin forestay fast cruiser in the bay with much admiration. Got up to take a photo yesterday and it's gone. The big Dickson boat is nice but wrong internal and cockpit set up. Joke for the day... 6 out of 7 dwarfs are not happy. 😁
  7. High maintenance - timber, Carvel, old, , Low Maintenance - fibreglass, epoxy, vinyl ester, new, No maintenance - a boat parked up / abandoned and left to deteriorate with the owner never doing one bit of maintenance.
  8. Inches matter when your 6'4". 2M bunk length is great .
  9. The fuel bill might be a bit tight on the budget. But otherwise... 🤙👌
  10. Same could be said for you. No offence. I don't tip toe around anybody or anything. And I didn't see any rules that said i had to be treated as a week and feeble person before I rose to the ranks of being accepted by forum members who believe they are the forum moderators and can be rude to people on the pretence that they think they are someone else.
  11. Ask IT. He will tell you exactly that I have only one account. How many do you have Sabre?... Maybe Fish?
  12. Not really. The oil keeps flowing, Emirates keep going. Same with Etihad, Qatar. But the rest are reliant on Govts
  13. What are you not smoking rehab. I think someone with half a brain would pick up the obvious nuances of one person's posts no matter how many account s. I'm just pointing out a flaw and how people use data via devices. I'm happy with the rule.
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