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Editor last won the day on November 19 2022

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34 Good

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  1. Debating or criticising YNZ policies, actions and decisions is fine, but it's a very fine line between opinion and libel when discussing individual employees.
  2. https://crew.org.nz/forum/index.php?/rum_race.html/ Details on the Rum Race page, party at the PCC
  3. Editor


    We do our best but we can't always stop scammers joining the board, to help your fellow members please follow the classified guidelines. If you post a picture of a for sale item, include a handwritten post-it note with your user name and date within the image. If you post a WTB advert, demand that they do the same and post a picture publically of the item they are offering with a handwritten post-it note including their user name and date. Do not send money or respond to "call me" or "email my friend who has one" etc especially if the member is new or has a low post count.
  4. Editor

    Coastal 2023

    Ok thats enough fun, I am going to clean this thread up- no politics thanks
  5. Permissions have been changed, you should be able to create albums within the categories now
  6. Seems like there's a gap in the sailing calendar for such an event, just putting it out there to gauge interest. Its winter in Auckland so it could be sunny and very pleasant or raining and blowing dogs off chains.
  7. The short version is that we were too late organising it and the Squadron has filled the gap. The crew rum race will be back, but not this year unfortunately.
  8. This is a good conversation and of interest to the local boaties but posts which break site rules will be removed. Anyone engaging in personal attacks will be put in timeout.
  9. Unfortunately due to the number of reported posts this discussion is locked, the final score is Scallops 1 Trolls 0
  10. Handy Hint #1, to the right just above the topic list on the main page and in the thread itself is a follow button which you gives you options to get email notifcations when new items are posted.
  11. No politics, see the rules. This is a place to relax, chat and share your interests other than yachting.
  12. HAURAKI GULF The inner starboard hand beacon at the entrance to Puhoi river has been reported as missing WAITEMATA HARBOUR Waitemata - Rangitoto Channel – Mainers are advised that maintenance dredging will be conducted in the shipping lane during the week commencing 19th July. For further information contact Auckland Harbour Control on VHF channel 12. Mariners are advised to exercise caution when navigating in the area. Waitemata - The Henderson Creek no.9 beacon (F.G) Int no. 3838.15 has been reported as unlit.
  13. Lets just say that it wasn't surprise; https://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL2103/S00085/on-why-emirates-team-new-zealand-is-a-really-really-bad-look.htm
  14. Editor

    Fiddly Repair

    I'd just cut it off, its not doing anything
  15. Editor

    The Ed's Gallery

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