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LBD last won the day on August 31

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160 Excellent

About LBD

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  1. LBD

    Neat Video Links

    On my bucket wish list one day....
  2. LBD

    37th AC

    The video... https://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/350398692/americas-cup-alarming-moment-team-new-zealand-boat-was-dropped-crane
  3. A flat bar roller would work but I would also put a strip of aluminium in the slot to prevent it from closing up. There will be a few of these rollers around, just need to ask around.
  4. LBD

    37th AC

    Trying to race when there is not enough wind for both competitors to foil has ruined it for me.
  5. LBD

    37th AC

    Has the incident been captured on video? The crane I watched free spool down from 15m until the drum was empty, well after the load hit the ground in the middile of a dozen or so staff, some suffering minor injuries was far from boring, it was.....very very exciting! Having to dismiss the crane driver after he tested positive for Methamphetamine did not trouble me in the least...
  6. LBD

    Neat Video Links

    8 min 45 sec......🤣 Been there done that and hobbled away battered and bruised.
  7. LBD

    Neat Video Links

    That is a neat video BP... Posted here so I can find it again Others save your likes for BP's post in 37th annual
  8. 4 stroke fumes are no better... I keep a little petrol in the gas locker also... and butane soldering iron and fuel.
  9. See if the link below works https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=cb00e98615192aee&rlz=1C1GCEB_enAU909AU909&sxsrf=ADLYWIKtqrjkeRYd3QHsPoBo_5HiJykLPA:1724837363483&q=LPG+gas+solenoid+low+or+high+pressure+new+zealand&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0Aa4sjWe7Rqy32pFwRj0UkWd8nbOJfsBGGB5IQQO6L3J_86uWOeqwdnV0yaSF-x2joQcoZ-0Q2Udkt2zEybT7HdnwtJ4zecPSJKnTlqcRa4FoY6IQ1phfWUddisLARZKQNsIcEpmcR8vCKVOenGsqvjHqwnoZgpAgCDbU6Ze8gQOtid8_0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwja1eHyr5eIAxV03zQHHT_MDYUQtKgLegQIFhAB&biw=1269&bih=600&dpr=1.5
  10. Was on the news... local fishermen were all prepared. So the other question will be, did the weather message get transmitted to all ships and should it have been heard. Storm warning system fell short, meteorologist says Lowinski, who also specialises in weather warning communication, says that safety should also be in the spotlight. “This particular storm system could already be seen about three hours before the disaster happened, far to the NW of Sicily,” he tells Euronews Green. “While local-scale severe weather, waterspouts, downbursts, etc. are always challenging to pi
  11. I am guessing the big question will not be stability so much as preparedness. With advance warning of the approaching weather front, was sufficient preparation made. hatches closed, water tight bulk heads sealed, tanks pressed up full or empty to minimise free surface stability effects and so on to prevent or control flooding?
  12. 😬... special coatings and scotch guard etc, but yup I am worried... however the admiral wanted slightly off white.
  13. Spot of sanding and varnishishshshing (Sorry paint fumes from working in the tent made me sthlurr my typing) Converted the main to loose footed and filled in the old sail track recess with a new strip of oregon. And installed the recovered upholstry Red wine, tomato products, beetroot, green, red and yellow curries are now banned substances on board.
  14. A paint can of this stuff should do the trick.....
  15. I heard is was a weather "BOMB" Lets see what the chinese wispers make of that.
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