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Winter last won the day on February 11 2023

Winter had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

42 Good

About Winter

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  1. Thanks @Screwball this looks like it will do what I need, cheers!
  2. Sadly looks like Garmin have ruined the Navionics webapp Someone please tell me that i'm missing something. There used to be a great site on https://webapp.navionics.com/ where I can just quickly measure potential routes etc
  3. Another sad day for Westhaven
  4. I've sailed with this for years. Including gybes which probably could have been gentler.. Repairable? Or don't bother?
  5. Bump - Unit still for sale, somebody is looking for a good tiller pilot!
  6. Winter

    reusing gaskets

    Thank you will do just that.
  7. Is it a thing to re-use gaskets? I've pulled my exhaust manifold off, (blocked water passage) In the drawing below, Part 7 gasket is a goner, I need to find a new one of those (part number anyone?) But Item 17 is a thick metal looking one, and that seems to be a great order, only a couple years old. Do I need to replace it? Same with the Item 4 (gasket that connects to mixing elbow) that one seems ok - can I wipe it clean and re-use?
  8. the feedback form raises the possibility of retaining a handstand here. Council must have noticed some angst about it to re include it as a possibility. Please take 5mins to do their survey.
  9. Hi @MartinRF yes that's who we tried. My partner is Swedish, so she wrote to them in Swedish a month or so ago, we will be in Stockholm in a few weeks so we were hoping we could pick one up. They don't have in stock they said, so it appears to be a ghost product nobody can buy? #frustrating. Any good Marinas worth walking around while we are in Stockholm?
  10. The Cerbo is a box from victron, essentially a tiny computer for monitoring your boats electrical system.. 101 video explaining They give the software away free so you can run it on a cheap raspberry pi if you want, but then you need to DIY all the interfaces to your gizmos
  11. Don't listen to the dinosaurs Snowball, that's a cool setup. I have the cerbo and do similar cool stuff. how did you do your custom gui?
  12. I'm looking for a replacement Silva bulkhead compass, one of a matching pair. Can't get from Silva in Sweden as they only list the northern zone ones, they point us to the local distributor who doesn't sell that particular one and wont help us as they can only order 50 at a time. I can see it listed online in South africa but they wont ship internationally. Anyone got any ideas? https://silvaafrica.com/collections/compasses/products/compass-100b-h-ms
  13. but did you hear the sound it makes? Soon every boat will have its own jet turbine generator and Izzy bay will sound like an airport
  14. I'll go in third place if one of the others falls through
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