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Jono G

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Jono G last won the day on August 19 2022

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About Jono G

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  1. Anyone need a crew for Saturday? Unfortunately we aren't going on Krakatoa. Happy to go on anything on any course. Jono Gravit 0274 754 169
  2. I think we can both say we were right. It looks like the short course boats had a beautiful sail. Over on long haul we had the front boats finish on the tide while we had to deal with an outgoing tide and a breeze that was best described as "fitful" and flicking between South and Northwest. I'm too scared to look at the tracker between Emu Point and Bean Rock. At least we got home. Well done the few on the long course who had to wait for the tide to turn to finish.
  3. Looks mint for the Committee Boat. For us, not so much......
  4. We had a nice day on Krakatoa. She's a bit sticky in that stuff, and not set up for quick sail changes/peels. Quite happy with how we went even if the result isn't that flash. From Awash Rock to the finish it was a lovely sail. Got a bit dark going past Tiri.
  5. Experienced skipper getting back into harbour racing on an MRX. Sadly all my past crew are now happy on other boats or retired. And I'm not on Facebook for all the crew finders. The Squadron series is every 2nd Saturday afternoon starting May 11. Our racing is usually at a deceptively relaxed level. Crew must be relatively athletic and comfortable racing on a boat without lifelines. Particularly looking for a keen bow person. There is only one kite and no furlers. Call or message Jono Gravit 0274 754 169 if you are interested.
  6. Jono G

    Moonraker 17

    My Dad went from a Finn to a Whiting 16 when we were kids. Great little boat and could take two young families in the cockpit. I recall a Moonraker 17. I think it came out late in the trailer yacht game and was never raced. By then the Young water ballast 5.7 and 6.7 and Farr 6000s dominated the small boat division. There was also a Micron 5 of a similar size.
  7. I went to Lisa's talk at the Squadron. Quite worthwhile but not many od salts there which I was surprised I wasn't surprised about. She's never going to die wondering.... Some of the events on her round Antarctica's sounded a bit hairy.
  8. Sorted on the Dinghy. Thanks. Shes a bit of an oldie but goodie. A bit of glass patching and tidy up and it will be just what we need. A bit like Actionaire really. But you have to laugh - the pickup was from the Harbourmaster / Maritime Police unit in Mechanics Bay!
  9. Shes been having a nice time on a berth this summer after too long sitting on the mooring. But back out to Bayswater soon. We've done most of the Richmond Wednesdays but a combination of dirty bottom, old sails, and me doing a few races solo haven't helped. Normally start beside Titus Canby - because we both want the same spot, and then watch them slip away.
  10. The Actionaire 1/2 ton resurrection project continues. We are looking for a 2.7 - 3.2 hard dinghy to keep in the Northcote Sulphur Beach lockers and take out to a far mooring. We're currently using a 2.0 m rollup and it is less than ideal. Anything cheap will do. We can tidy it up. Conversely if anyone has a big Townson dinghy going spare I'm also interested. Thanks Jono Gravit 0274 754 169
  11. Revolution is one of the better ones. It has extra freeboard over standard and lots of experienced owner improvements. Not that I'm biased or anything.... The big advantage of the 1104 over a 1020 is the interior volume. The extra beam makes a difference. And Revolution has the best cockpit in a boat this size outside an E1050. Not tender at all - she is a dream to sail shorthanded in a breeze. if anything considered a little sticky in the light vs a 1020. Weight with all the gear, water etc was around 5 1/2 ton on the travel lift. If it gets any cheaper I might have to hav
  12. I remember someone good owning it in the late 80s. Maybe Rod McCulloch - Gisborne? No idea when it made its way across the ditch. The Hopwood boats seem to have lasted pretty well. All the potential problems you mention could exist. A lot of the trailers had bunks rather than rollers. But they are little boats and the hours aren't too bad to fix if there is a problem.
  13. If you have time, give it a go. The worst is you stop in Tauranga after at least getting around the corner and deciding it isn't for you. I suggest Auckland to the Mercs. Mercs to Slipper or Mayor. Then to Tauranga. Then you need to allow for at least one overnight passage to get to Gisborne. Stopping in Tologa Bay or Hick Bay is fine if the weather is playing ball. You also get to get close up with White Island which is fun from a distance Then Gisborne, Then Napier. Both these clubs are really friendly, central and a great experience. Take an experienced friend to give you ext
  14. Anyone thinking about buying a decent offshore race boat should take a look at Frantic when she arrives. As I understand it she has a near new rig too.
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