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Everything posted by Psyche

  1. CD, just catching up on the site, I am so sorry to hear this and my thoughts are with you.
  2. 12m launch, theres a mooring in close
  3. I saws one model a few days ago that had 8m on the eastern side of Barrier but thats now saying 3.8, as we speak a mate is weathering it out in the Cove. Def not for me but should prove an "interesting" experience.
  4. "Gale and storm force winds about Cyclone CODY, both offshore and as it approaches the northeast of the North Island, will generate large easterly swells, significant sea surges/rips and coastal inundation about exposed eastern coastlines."
  5. better still if you turn on sonar view on your chartplotter, you will create your own chart overlay that is as accurate and extremely fine grained as your boats sensors will allow.
  6. are you saying the jetskiers need to be put on leashes?
  7. Its not like dog owners don't know that there are laws controlling their animals.
  8. This wasnt intended to be an us vs them topic, if I was from a non waterfront suburb its very attractive, even the locals from the very well to do 'burbs love it. The bridge, the boats and parking virtually over the water makes it unique. Walking around the marina is interesting, it really is an asset to the city for all citizens to enjoy. The rumblings I had were more over what is the management plan for parking and long term use of the precinct, yet again it feels (although it may not be true) that yachting as a sport is being disregarded at Panuku. I have also nearly been run down by Fwits
  9. they are just bigger, that means you need your 40" flat screen on the main bulkhead
  10. My sailing is pretty much Gulf cruising point and shoot, as in I want to get to that place over there by nightfall. Charts are referred to for hazards, channels etc but i don't plot courses etc as one should. I relax by reading Coastal Navigation by Mike Scanlan, it informs me about how much I dont know!
  11. A mate went to Vavau on an Iphone with Navionics- never looked at the charts and despite having a very expensive plotter he said the iphone was more accurate.
  12. I agree Clipper, we pay ridiculous amounts to park our boats with virtually no other option especially if we want to race yachts in the city. That Panuku ramps up fees at a whim even during a pandemic with seemingly no justification is a bit hard to swallow when they have decided that its such a wonderful public area (which it is) with boaties paying for it! How about a discount ((yeah right!) Last year the marina was peaceful, no subwoofer action but not now. I had a chat with one of the staff and they know it's happening, nothing they can do because its not an issue for council. I don't
  13. Anyway just got this letter from the marina saying crime in the marina precinct is at an all time high. If they are saying it then I guess its got some substance. Amazingly if you build retail adjacent, encourage public use of the area etc then you get more people and surprise surprise some bottom feeders. I have noticed during lockdown the fast and furious set blasting their subwoofers and blue downlighting their way around the circuit out to A pier and parking up on the northern seawall for beers etc. I dont have a problem with any of that, in fact if I was 18 I'd probably be joining in
  14. I can understand the desire for a boat dog but no, not for me
  15. Just ask if they know that its no dogs ashore, see what develops.
  16. Little Palm beach then?
  17. Everything you need to know about DOC and our coastline https://doc-marine-data-deptconservation.hub.arcgis.com
  18. Amen brother! We all love waves especially ones that get the boat or board planing. As usual the devil is in the deets; A marine sanctuary has been created and whatever we may think we have to abide by the rules. The penalties for not obeying them are severe, as in up to 100,000 and a year in jail. Pretty sure you would have to be reckless to earn that reward. Doc's management is a trust issue between stakeholders and the crown; Do we trust that the science is sound and not just a stab in the dark inconveniencing boaties for no good reason. Their are already significant protections i
  19. Gee I wonder if there is a national organisation that we all could pay dues to with our club memberships that would represent yachties at the legislative table?
  20. I still think this is mostly brought about by the actions of the powerboating community. It would be really interesting to see the data on the types of vessels, size and speeds the Dolphins prefer.
  21. Nothing worse than a peaceful bay, flowering pohutukawas, glassy water and the nautical version of a leafblower going all day! Mind you it could be worse, you could have a raftup of piedys next door!
  22. Hey CD you have definitely got the wrong end of the stick and I have as well, I was a bit confused that these rules extended to all coastal areas not just the Bay. Nonetheless there remains a discussion about practicalities. I'm certainly not going to ignore the rules in a marine sanctuary nor do I advocate anyone breaking them!! I am referring to my own experience seeing dolphins in the Gulf and the practicalities of a powered up yacht or indeed a yacht racing in fresh conditions or seeking shelter stopping because a dolphin is riding on the bow if indeed these rules are extended more
  23. I am definitely not a comments scientist 😅 just surprised at the findings. Dolphins come and go, its always a pleasure to see them and they do not stick around or least not that I notice for more than a very brief spell. I am not sure that decency has anything to do with it, more like practicality. Need to get somewhere before dark or before weather or if racing is a hotly contested series and by extension should we apply this attitiude to other marine animals, snapper for example are quite intelligent fish but we still eat them. Not mammals so we dont really care? Have the studies given
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