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About vb1

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  1. Hey Booboo, Ive found your new sub woofers, your going to need bigger boat!
  2. vb1

    Poo pipe part 2

    Burnsco's Waterline stain remover is basically Phos acid
  3. Hah, 16 - amateur! Total stocktake was 32. Floating a bit low though. And also on topic too, back beam is 600 x 120mm gaboon ply box beam and a bit of carbon.
  4. One word -sodium hypochlorite. Doesn't matter what brand if that is the active ingredient. Which ever you chose you need to wet or spray the surface and then either forget for a pre-specified period as stated on the label or just walk away.
  5. Recently tried Altex #5, after 6 months its sh*t, looks like its a feeding medium for barnacles and other maritime molluscs. Previously tried Micron 66, then Micron 77 (which definitely wasn't 11 better than 66), next round I will have a go with Hempel.
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