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Cheap NZ Cruiser on eBay


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So, think it would be possible to buy it, sail it home, sell it, and break even overall? The idea to have say 1 year of cruising Mexico and the pacific at zero cost.


Let's see, pay 30 US, or 36 NZ near enough. Try not to spend too much getting ready, maybe $5k max. On arrival pay taxes etc, call it 15% or 6k. Total 45, round up to 50k. Sell for 75k on return and you have 25k for living expenses for 12 months, 2 people at 2k per month - easy peasy.

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I like the way you think :thumbup:


I think you would have to spend some coin to get her up to scratch to cruise the world. 50k maybe?


It doesn't even have a freezer or a life raft


Don't let that stop you though. Go for it :D

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Not looking to cruise the world, just the milk run from SD to NZ. No need for a freezer, cruised without one for years, and I'm a bit underenthused about liferafts. What you need is good sails and a solid hull and rig and you'll probably be OK. Remember leaving the US there are no restrictions, hell you don't even have to clear out.

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OK, screw investing in gold, land or seed, I should buy this! Except I kinda like wooden boats...


Best advise I have heard all day


The new world will place little or no value on oil or gold.

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There is one small problem.You have to be able to sell it on the NZ market and judging by the way boats are NOT selling at the moment, I suggest you my be waiting awhile to reclaim your expenses and see a profit.

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Is it possible that it's been sold directly overseas when it was new so still needs gst (and or duty?) to be paid when you get it here?


Would that be a hard thing to find out? Or would it just be a case of trying your luck with customs when you get here.

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And what figure would you pay gst on, what it was worth when it left NZ, what it owes you when you get back (that's the one I allowed for).

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Pretty sure you get a depreciation allowance for GST.

If you bring it directly home you probably will have to pay on purchase price (if liable at all)

If you take say five years to get back the GST will be on a lower figure.

If you freight it (but why would you?) you pay GST on the freight as well.

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Is it possible that it's been sold directly overseas when it was new so still needs gst (and or duty?) to be paid when you get it here?


Would that be a hard thing to find out? Or would it just be a case of trying your luck with customs when you get here.

There's a dude from Arkles Bay that knows a bit about avoiding duty and taxes on Cavs. Can't remember his name but pretty sure he checks in here from time to time. (don't worry, I'm sure the statute of limitations has run out)

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