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Everything posted by ScottiE

  1. Go well dude - lovin' the size of that new work bench - a bit more comfy than the 'doubles' in our T!
  2. It's the NZ press you're talking about here. They thrive on the negative and doom and gloom.
  3. nice report! Boathook extended with a broomstick - really? Surely both are unnecessary in a light airs race! Also - that GPS track certainly redefines uphill sailing!
  4. http://www.kekszalag.hu/media/fototar/szanto-aron-legifotoi-49-kekszalag-erste-world-nagydij/ Round Lake Balaton in Hungary over the weekend
  5. Yeh not quite in the same league as "bad winter weather" in Sweden! I started the day in a shirt but layered up as the parade progressed.
  6. Well done Ken - Ur a star! 2:34 https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/kiwis-numbering-80-000-welcome-home-our-americas-cup-heroes-in-auckland
  7. There was one shot at the very end looked like a very good flotila. Massive party on now!
  8. the penalties and costs will go back into the shipping costs - back to the consumer. So as long as everyone is okay with that then all good!
  9. Yup - the nonsense continues! In 2 years they will admit defeat against the fanworm tyrant but they sure won't remove the tax . . . err . . .sorry fee
  10. Race 1 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXWWtYbi1HdEVkRnc See ya all some time later in the week when I finally sober up!
  11. oh yeh! Didn't make it down this morning. Went to the test and then only had 2 hours sleep before getting up to head in yesterday morning.
  12. Americas Cup Day 4 Race 7 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXQ1VrU2MzNjN2NTQ Race 8 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXUVhzZDNMZlJSV2s
  13. Americas Cup Day 3 Race 5 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXd19IaUdVUTBlNnc Race 6 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXWDROQlczUXY2Zlk
  14. ScottiE

    Mind Games

    and this Jones said the lesser-talked about advantage of this system is that it allows for a better division of labour on board. "We have Pete [burling], Glenn [Ashby], Blair [Tuke] and Andy [Maloney] each with different responsibilities." "Oh sh*t Slinger - they got 4 guys pushin' buttone now - how you gonna compete with that!"
  15. ScottiE

    Mind Games

    Some great comments by Murray Jones in the paper this morning - having not heard from him all campaign - love it! Here's a sneak peak at one of the new buttons to be installed at Andy Maloney's staion
  16. ScottiE

    Youth AC

    Anybody see that finish! All the Germans and Swedes needed to do was sail round the mark and we'd stolen the cup! Ah well . . .
  17. Americas Cup Day 2 Thanks again to RudderNZ at SA (must lurk here on occasion) ETNZ vs USA race 3 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXVk9JTWNWRVE4ZlU ETNZ vs USA race 3 Stream dies in the last 30 seconds. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXWU5ocE02V19tMkU
  18. Courtesy again of RudderNZ at SA Americas Cup Day 1 ETNZ vs USA race 1 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXcmlvNHdETmJFZGc ETNZ vs USA race 2 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXNGl0dEVHc2RYbk0
  19. well done lads - 3 wins from 6 races put them in top in count back
  20. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/sport/news/article.cfm?c_id=4&objectid=11872212
  21. again courtesy of Rudder_NZ on SA Race1 - Sweden vs Japan https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXaGdBa0RzSHpXLVk Race2 - NZ vs UK (Sorry I missed the first few legs. Was so nervous I didn't notice I wasn't recording.) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXb284TE9jZlVHLTA Race3 - SWEDEN vs JAPAN https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXeFp4akZTcExwbDQ Race4 - NZ vs UK https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxIm00ZuX5lXNnQ5WTYyd1Vzbms
  22. Gr8 article MB - half way through and all making sense thus far. I think our biggest issue in NZ is lack of supply.
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