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Everything posted by ScottiE

  1. is shearers rock bouy the one by Tiri?
  2. in the vein of another post of mine - what about one of these! http://global.yamaha-motor.com/business/outboards/product/enduro/kerosene-spec/
  3. a big salute to YNZ for leading the charge on this. Feel much happier about paying 3 YNZ membership levies!
  4. I said the quick haul cradle not the swift haul cradle!
  5. So with all this recent talk about LPG install certs, dodgy hose fittings, not to mention Chrisc's superlative home built kero heater, its got me thinking about whether I should bother re commissioning the LPG stove (test stove, new regulator, hose, quick fiiting at stove, cover on locker) or change over to A less volatile system. Who uses alcohol stoves and how do you find them - lots of conjecture out in the web. By scientific brain would like to line up the three different stove types as 2 burners and have a bacon n egg bake fry off but the chandleries won't play ball!
  6. Posted on another forum but worth of repeat here! Aparantly located on a Lagoon.
  7. Yup - did the same thing when I bought the boat last year. In bolted absolutely everything. A year ago now but almost there. Took S1 'camping' at Sullivan's bay last night - sitting on the beach watching the sun come up wishing the boat was in the water!
  8. Well someone bought it so would be interesting to get their review after a few months.
  9. But not necessarily in that order?
  10. http://www.rsm.govt.nz/projects-auctions/current-projects/changes-to-the-maritime-mobile-repeater-allocations and our own discussion - http://crew.org.nz/forum/index.php/topic/11943-vhf-frequency-changes/page-3
  11. steve - that's a good idea actually - are they compatible in NZ and are they really that useful cruising Auckland, Northland, Coromandel etc?
  12. looking for a survey of ideas or the best value for money thing you could buy compared to NZ during a trip to the states that "maxes out" the tax exemption. clearly with a view to it being on a 32' open deck cruising cat so space is a premium!
  13. See - they do buff out!
  14. on one hand its funny, but on the other its very sad. Shows the desperation of some out there. It's also sad becasue someone is trying to get him to buy a 78' boat for 300k - doesn't stack up to me.
  15. what - he can't even mention the part of town?!?
  16. ScottiE

    Nose job

    If you're ordering small amounts then your local is as good as anywhere. However the good folk at Gurit (previously High Modulus) are happy to help and often have access to some pretty sofisticated carbon weaves if needed as well as a massive wealth of knowledge. For a lot of my general f/glassing and laminating needs I use www.nzfibreglass.co.nz but primarily because they're 5 mins from the workshop/ house! Of course in this day and age you can just order from amywhere in the world. The tillers on my old boat (now madyachties) are made from some pretty cool US imported carbon sock over
  17. just read the regs you're allowed a hose assembly (ie. not rigid) for a single appliance connection from regulator to appliance.
  18. The YNZ safety regs call for a sealed locker cover with a drain! If you're saying you also need a 75mm inlet (which makes sense - need an inlet for venturi to work) then why even have a cover?
  19. Also recall another topic about gas lockers in the last few months? Anyone find it?
  20. A not unrelated topic that I recall was recently discussed. http://crew.org.nz/forum/index.php/topic/5787-gas-bottles/ Matt - almost feels like we need a sticky topic on this one. I've periodically been researching this over the last 12 months but frankly the whole topic is just horribly fragmented!
  21. Yes absolutely - but again just relying on insurance for what really is a simple issue for boat owners to stay on top of is just sh*t. I'd prefer that my neighbour was a courteous responsible boat owner!
  22. In this day of finger pointing I wouldn't do that - the owner is just as likely to turn around and blame you for any snafu attributed to their boat - that's the kind of person they're likely to be. I have 'heard' that boats breaking away from their moorings and damaging other boats now also insurers' biggest concern when insuring multis in Auckland rather than racing. Ie' derilict boat is old and heavy - muti is light and sparkly! I think about all you can really do is contact the harbourmaster with photos, outline your concern and then follow up on a weekly basis. Consequently, now that
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