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Everything posted by Zozza

  1. Hi Wheels, I don't see Igarol on the safety data sheet where it lists the compounds in it - top of pg 3 on link below http://www.pettitpaint.com/fileshare/product_sds/1677-pettit-trinidad-sr-red-a1167706-sds-pdf.pdf Never heard of this brand for sale in NZ before - and your are right, it consistently gets the best reviews everywhere online on all sailing forums. Edit: Actually, this 2015 report says "Igarol" is the slime resistant forumla they use, and that is what the "SR" stands for: Bottom paints containing Irgarol are usually marketed as having a boosting agent that enhances the
  2. Anyone know, or anyone tried? Particular brand is called: Pettit Trinidad SR, basically a cuprous oxide antifoul with PTFE (teflon). I am pretty sure PTFE is not a banned substance in NZ paints, and I know for sure cuprous oxide isn't. I know there are strict restrictions on importing 'hazardous substances', but if the paint contains none of the additives banned in NZ, which I don't believe it does, then I shouldn't have an issue - right? Here's a data sheet: http://www.go2marine.com/docs/mfr/petit/Trinidad-SRproductsheet.pdf
  3. Oh, the old 'google is your friend' and I find this: https://www.cstcomposites.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/How-to-paint-your-composite-mast.pdf Looks like 80 and 120 grit "emery' sand paper, whatever the hell that is.
  4. I have a carbon fibre mast - currently out of the boat during refit. My original clear coat too is fading badly as I have no space to store it but outside, but will look good with a two pot paint. However, I have been told you have to be careful when sanding so you don't start sanding off carbon. I was thinking of a 220 grit hand sand, primer, then the the two pot finish....not sure if this is correct process, so please chip in with anything different to above
  5. ...no worries, don't mention it.
  6. https://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/boats-marine/marina-berths/auction-1391505444.htm
  7. Now predicted to strengthen back to a category 5 before hitting the Keys and Florida.
  8. I guess the moral is, get a parking pass even if you are only gonna be 5 mins in case something unforeseen happens. I would have thought they could have let you off this time, and forewarned you that next time you wouldn't be so lucky.
  9. For some reason your exchange reminds me of this scene from Gran Torino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXD8yOxIPB0
  10. Well if the rigger dude is as experienced and as good as you and a few others say he is, what is he doing quoting $600 if its too cheap? He should know better. And, if he has cocked up - yep, we are all human - then what is the problem with him fronting up to Sabre on the phone and admitting he cocked up, and working it out with Sabre? Sabre seems like a genuine good bloke - I am sure they could meet halfway. And Sabre is spot on - its not up to Sabre to take time off work to go chasing this rigger.
  11. Zozza

    Yacht brokers

    What? I don't believe it! Marine related bad customer service?
  12. Could also mean times are better than we all think - Billy English says so and wants your vote - and they make enough that the odd, or even more than a few customers they give sh*t service too, doesn't matter to their bottom line. One thing I have noticed in the marine industry, if your boat is under 30 foot, bar a few exceptions - those almost "lotto" type moments that Sabre talks about - they just do not wanna know.
  13. Oh jeezuz that is a SHOCKER Wheels. Lost for words.
  14. Communication and a dose of common courtesy. I am sure some customers are assholes, but most of us are are reasonable people. In my case a simple phone call or text a bit earlier in the day, saying "Sorry Zozza, things have got a bit busy, and haven't been able to complete your windows, but I will have them ready Monday afternoon for you". That would not have been a problem. Instead I get a rundown of his "industry", which was preceded by a rude "Not going to happen". In Sabres case - the guy has dropped the ball big time. Just how many times does he have to phone this guy?
  15. This forum, any forum, in fact any medium, whether it be internet, TV, radio, whatever,,, largely gives "one side of the story".Whether you choose to believe that "story" is up to you. I've stated my "story". Sabre has stated his. You can, as can any punter, decide what you want to believe, and make your own judgements. Last time I looked I lived in New Zealand, not North Korea.
  16. I have no idea who Sabre is talking about. No names have been mentioned, but if some people have figured out who it is, and he did give an estimate, and then charges over double, and can't be got hold of without getting a sniffer dog posse together, then man, that's just too bad for him. Here's a novel thought for businessmen and tradesmen...and how they treat their customers.....treat everyone the same, don't treat some good, some bad, some indifferent depending on how your indigestion is, or how bitchy your mrs has been lately - and you won't get pissed off punters. Someone said he w
  17. I would take a pic of both sides of the cheque, and I would also courier it with tracking and with "signature required" on receipt. That way you have a complete end to end trail of proof.
  18. I hope you have not paid him anything? That is just nuts. Double the quote with no explanation? WTF. I am pissed about the "attitude" I got, But, I'd be blowing like Mt Krakatoa if I was in your position with this rigger.
  19. Yeah I guess if a client asked for 7mm chain, but you only had 6 or 8mm and just decided without asking them to give them 8mm, then yeah, the customer would be pissed. But, I doubt you be sending them short terse texts such as " that 7mm chain I promised for today, not gonna happen. Monday" with no, "sorry something came up blah blah blah, sorry about that". You did a good turn for me in regards that bit of gear that brings chain up and down, and It will not be forgotten. That's what I call customer service. As it happens, looks like the improved thickness of my wallet may allow me to be
  20. Ok, so on the recommendation of a few on couple threads on Crew.org, I got some Acrylic windows cut by the business recommended. I left specific instructions, including requesting "medium tint" - I typed it on a note. The business confirmed they understood my note. All good so far. So, the windows are cut, and I see that they were done in "Dark Tint". I inquired as to why I didn't get the tint I asked for, and was told you can only have Light or Dark tint. Would it have not been reasonable for the outfit to phone me and advise that my instructions ask for medium tint, but they only
  21. 'Tonga Bill'. Bill Tehoko, known also as Tonga Bill, was my age and my best friend among the yachts in the anchorage here. He had little advice to give about my predicament other than to lend a sympathetic ear and advise me not to worry and “do what you feel and it'll work out just fine.” Bill and his new French bride Nicole, that he found on the neighboring island of Reunion, lived aboard Mata Moana, a little 18-foot plywood and fiberglass sailboat he built himself on his home island in Tonga. The year before, he sailed it alone across the Pacific and Indian Ocean. He was the only modern
  22. Ah booger, Hope I didn't put anyone crook here, but resene can tint it to a darker colour, not lighter. So, not any colour, but darker colour.
  23. Ten Litre buckets going at $60 a piece. Expect to pay $170 retail. Whats more the fella selling this will ship free. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=1399541376 I was gonna put this in classifieds, but I am not the seller - I purchased some, and I reckon a few of you fellow yachties might be interested in it as it is such a good price, and glad to let you all know about a good deal. I know of a few that have used this stuff on their boat decks instead of Kiwigrip, with good results. I'm pretty sure Resene will tint it to any colour you want. Cheers
  24. Zozza

    Bird deterents

    These? https://www.maintracgroup.com/products/bye-bye-birdie-dual?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlepla&variant=431818481&gclid=CKG6o66UldUCFVYGKgodig0PHA
  25. Zozza

    Boat windows

    I will be interested in seeing the end result - make sure to post pics when they are in, or will have a look myself next time I am over your way. As an addendum to my previous post - I can get six tinted, radiused / rounded, acrylic windows in the 10mm thickness I want for significantly less than the cost of ONE alum or ss portlight. Unbelievable. It really is the way to go if you are on a budget.
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