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Everything posted by Zozza

  1. Because rich toffs that have Riviera type stinkpots live there?
  2. I think the only way to stop it, which may ultimately prove unsuccessful anyway, is an all out war with $Billions and $Billions from the Government. That may mean essentially closing down the areas affected and near areas affected, so the $Billions are not just on the eradication scheme but also compensation for businesses affected from the loss of marine tourism. But - can you see that happening with the current three headed monster running the ship? They won't even part out the $ for a decent set of Ferries for Cook Strait. And no mods,not trying to turn this political, just stat
  3. I've had a mini rant on this before - you are pretty much stuck with three bands in little 'ole backwater NZ - Altex, International, & Hempels. There is also Resene's 'Durepox' which I have no tech knowledge of, and some guys know how to get hold of Awlgrip in NZ.
  4. With the idiots running the asylum that keep banning antifoul ingredients that actually work, I am up for buying a 'moonshine' type anti-foul with all sorts of now banned ingredients, if anyone has the brains on how to make the stuff - I don't - I think I scored 20% in high school chemistry - but, I will gladly buy it and go tell anyone poking their nose in on what is painted on my boats bottom to go f**k themselves.
  5. Loveworkx lady sailing a Grinde I see - same 27 footer that the American girl, Holly, is sailing round world. Initially I thought this might have been Grant / KnotMe roving around the anchorage berating people for still using CQR anchors..... ha ha just jokes Mr CRA 😀 Then I thought it might have been some clipboard wielding Caulerpa govt. agency guy gone bananas.... But, looks like just a random bananas guy gone bananas. Scary though - not sure what I would have done, but I doubt I would have handed my expensive iPhone over to him without a fight, literally....
  6. Weren't you there Harry? 😁
  7. Webb Chiles (famous if you prefer cruising world sailors to racing world sailors - where he is non-famous) uses jetboils on all his voyages for coffee and dehydrating food.
  8. Is it just me, or does it feel like the traditional yachtie Christmas / January Holidays period has been mostly sh*t sailing weather for the last half decade or more? I am thinking we should all take our sailing holidays from around Waitangi day, but of course if you have kids that's no good as they'll be back at school...
  9. More Fagan.... Pretty good interview from a non-sailor - Jerry Wells The mid 80's NZ music awards clips reminded me just how big The Mockers were in NZ at the time
  10. Looks like one of the fatalities not a boom, but caught on a mainsheet, then whacked head on a winch. Horrific.
  11. Yeah agree, and I am not saying stop sailing in boats with booms lower to the deck - but there has been a spate of these type of accidents, and just wondering if any design rule or something re the boom height - could be implemented.....
  12. Absolute tragedy, and my deepest sympathies to the unfortunate sailor's families. Are we able to design rigs with booms higher than the average persons height standing in the cockpit - maybe 1.90M+ ?
  13. You know, I have been thinking about your post LBD - and it did give me a chuckle. However.... I have been lucky enough to be born in a western nation, I have worked my butt off for 40 years, I have no children (none that I know of 😆 ), no dependents (though I do help look after my elderly parents), no wifey (not through trying but sailing dreams and landlubber Kiwi gals not a good mix!) and a couple months back I went to a funeral for a lady boss of mine for many years, who retired some years ago now. During the funeral, her husband died of a heart attack during the funeral service - he
  14. Yes I know both boats. 'Fantail' is the Raven, and 'Shantung' is your wife's uncle and aunt boat. To be clear - there is no issue with the junk rig, it is just assessing the best method to reattach bulkheads or at least peruse options to perhaps slightly open up the interior without compromising the integity of the hull. Cheers
  15. I was also thinking Richard Edlin.... he is up North too, which is where my boat is
  16. Possible round NZ, possible Offshore to the Islands and beyond, yes.
  17. Okay, I have basically stripped out the interior of my GRP 28 footer. The guy I have hired to do the donkey work, while not a qualified boat builder, has worked on boats for decades, but he admits a bit of guidance required now. If you look at the photo, which is looking for'ard from aft, he is proposing an idea to replace the four main bulkheads with crescent moon shaped bulkheads to open up the interior, plus a series of evenly spaced ring-frames in the main cabin. They would all be tabbed, filleted and glassed in of course. Those four current original main bulkheads are not inserte
  18. Tablet / iPhone - via their app. https://mytimezero.com/tz-iboat
  19. I quite like the look of Time Zero, got their NZ charts for $30 0r $40 and the app seems easy to use with a good display. Unlike some Nav Apps these days, the charts are for life once downloaded, but if you want the chart corrections it's a further payment every twelve months
  20. I am going to suggest go to an outboard. Extra long shaft Tohatsu sailpro hi thrust, or a 9.9hp hi thrust from Yamaha, and other makes. I'd go the 6hp, as I see the Raven displacement is only 5,000lbs, and at only 26kg, you can store the outboard on the railing when on a long coastal passage, or just tilt up and leave on the bracket. You can also look forward to half a knot boat speed gained by getting rid of that anchor under the water, called a propellor. Just my opinion, but I also live it as both my previous two yachts, and my current one (will be when launched) were outboard
  21. I still don't understand what f*cking idiot in this world would be travelling at 20 f*cking knots in confined waters like that.
  22. Good to hear. Btw, Deep Purple one of my favourite bands as a youngster.
  23. Maybe it's time to bring back sailing, as in real sailing, as part of Navy basic training, including basic navigation.
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