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Everything posted by aardvarkash10

  1. I feel better about my cell phone now.
  2. 100a/hrs a day? Bloody hell, I'm even more put off starlink...
  3. I'm less worried about AI replacing work than I am about AI replacing democracies. I will allow that, in our case, AI would probably work better than the type currently on the Treasury benches.
  4. Hi TimeOut thanks for dropping in. The build has taught me lot, but Im a bit of an old dog and new tricks are getting tougher. The build is essentially as described earlier. I am considering V2.01 which would be based on a 4B but with 8gb, not the 2gb onboard the present CPU. I'd also go full into the new (as in, not released yet) McArthur HAT to have everything under one roof so to speak. It's likely this will happen in a different yacht (Mrs Aardvark wants more elbow room) so not soon. I made a conscious decision to run very simple so no touch screen, and the keyboard and
  5. Is it the raw seawater pump, or the engine pump? Either way, you can get a brand new replacement for 25% of that repair cost
  6. I think they put the decimal point in the wrong place.
  7. Depending on your risk appetite, AliExpress has options at 25% of the wallas unit.
  8. a disposal bond on all moored boats. Bond is held by the applicable regional authority. Just like a tenant bond, but different. It would probably require registraion and formal ownership tranfer I guess...
  9. Looks like it would even tow a dinghy to a boat ramp. Beats an old Fergie TE
  10. WAF is an important specification across a wide range of toy instalations in my experience.
  11. your ebike charger consumes around 400w. Hair dryer is probably four times that. Derate the inverter by 2x for safety, you need a 1000w for the bike charger or a 3kw for the hair dryer. I bought a cheap chinese one off aliexpress, labelled as 2000w. It runs power tools fine until I load it with the circular saw... I reckon it would cope with your wife's hairdressing routine. Trick is making sure the supply cables are suitably beefy. At 1500W and assuming 12V system you are pullling down a lot of amps!
  12. If I was going to go that way I'd get a proper industrial ruggedised tablet. Yes, they are about twice the price of a mid-range brand name device, but they generally have better, brighter screens for daylight use, and they come already IP67 or better waterproof and somewhat bounceproof. This sort of thing https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/marketplace/computers/tablets-e-book-readers/tablets/listing/4623710434
  13. The reality of any long weekend in Auckland. Glad to see it's global!
  14. in Auckland. I guess it's chocolate eggs and hot cross buns, and maybe the first indoor fire of winter. Have a great weekend if you are heading out.
  15. Amazing that only 6 people have been reported lost. The collapse was spectacular and disconcerting to watch.
  16. If he's prepared to release accounts showing this amount and it's direct relationship to unwarranted minority input, I'm prepared to consider it. Otherwise it's just a handwavy claim. It would help if he positively identified these shadowy minorities as well.
  17. So, no one is vetoing the date or the activity, a contract is in place, but Russell (sail GP) continue to thrash about throwing allegations about unnamed parties who are stymying the entire New Zealand economy. Conspiracy theory much? Let's be honest, unless you can show up with a marine biology qualification with a major in mammalian sealife, your thoughts on the capabilities of dolphins vis a vis an F50 are conjecture at best. Well intentioned and honest, but uninformed in its most literal of senses. The people who do have this expertise seem to think there is a problem. For
  18. Repeating for clarity. "DOC does not have a role in permitting or allowing the race to go ahead. DOC’s role is to advocate for marine mammals and to carry out compliance functions if any incidents involving protected wildlife were to occur which may have broken the law." As it happens, neither do iwi. There is a requirement to consult, but they do not have a right of veto. Russell's problem is he wants a race in a marine sanctuary, but he doesn't want to stop racing if it's a problem. Now he wants that all at a time that is particularly problematic ie breeding season. Whe
  19. It was rather a lot more about RC not getting his way. Nothing happened that he did not agree to beforehand. The agreement was (I understand) virtually unchanged from the previous year. Sail GP has already signed an agreement for next year with (presumably) similar requirements attached to it. Talk of red tape is therefore grossly over-wrought since there was none wrapped around any of the deal this year or next. He's like the housebuyer who is trying to renegotiate the terms after they have signed the agreement.
  20. And yet, he went ahead and signed the contract and its terms and conditions. We know that RC is a sharp commercial operator. He is for sale to the highest bidder. Any statement he is making must be viewed as a positioning tool for the next year - a warning shot that if its not cheaper/easier for him, he'll take his toys and go elsewhere. Now everyone has clarity - RC is in it for the money, local entities need to decide if the paltry amount SailGP pays is worth it balanced against the cost and the options to spend on a different event.
  21. queue howls of outrage.
  22. Yup. Coutts posturing. He'll be hoping CHC council give it to him for free.
  23. More like, Russell tossing toys out because he can't get what he wants. Again.
  24. About the only benefit I can see is a doubling of the value of the boat!
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