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Everything posted by motorb

  1. From what I've read, the council has actually refused to make a marine plan in light of these issues rearing up (before covid)..... But, of course, Panuku does seem very determined for some select developments to go ahead..... https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/116638559/why-is-auckland-council-so-eager-to-sell-prime-waterfront-real-estate-to-a-millionaire-developer
  2. Orams is dreaming if they think they are going to be immune to reverse sensitivity in there with all the new high density housing going in. Give it 10-20 years and they'll all be getting shut down under onerous requirements being imposed on them. Pier21 was just a soft target that the developers have already picked off.
  3. I'm not sure if my little Tracker is going to be able to lift a Toyota.... the car would weigh as much as the boat does!
  4. Sail Nelson does 5 day live-aboard skipper courses you could look into, but it sounds like you need to buy a smaller yacht and re-learn how to sail - maybe take the plunge and buy a trailer sailer or 7-10m keeler? (There's a few good trailers out there and you might pay more up front but save it in mooring costs and antifoul.) In my own experience I've found that sailing solo is a big combination of experience, familiarity with the vessel, and having the correct setup for single handed sailing. That, and a calm resolution when things go horribly wrong! It wasn't until recently I was
  5. I dunno, but from the questions asked and the discussion on the actions it seemed the Chair had no interest in reviewing the decision and seems to think they shouldn't be responsible for "providing a haulout service". By the end of that it seemed they dropped the note to look into any legal exposure and nothing confirmed they would postpone closure from the current date. Also very illuminating to see the two groups who want the hardstand gone, and it explains the loss/relocation of dinghy racks too. They just want their own dedicated space to run their organization and to hell with the co
  6. Don't head out there - the sale is online orders only. Just wasted 2.5 hours and far more petrol than I'd like to admit finding that one out.
  7. But given the Dyneema is stronger to begin with, then end strength is about the same isn't it? My halyards are sized for comfort in the hand well above load, so is there much advantage to using Dyneema over polyester? Doesn't it have less stretch to it?
  8. Good to know. On my foredeck I have the quick release pin thingys with swivel built into them... not having to to cut these off and take them to be spliced onto the new halyards is one of the attractions of knotting everything. Well I won't argue with that! well... my chafing issue on the spin halyard is also the "where did the masthead light go?" issue so maybe I need to think more about where the rigging lies first...
  9. I'd they're good enough provided you know what the number means for your battery and it's limitations. With the way things are going, I'd assume everything to be bluetooth before much longer and just keep a cheap tablet onboard.
  10. Hi Crew, Looking to pick your collective brains a bit: On my wee (25ft) Tracker 7.7 there is some damage on the cover of my main halyard, spin halyard is totally stuffed and the jib halyard and topping lift are at least 15 years old and looking sad. All are 8 or 10mm Dyneema and seeing as there's a sale on I'm planning to replace the lot. All the damage and failures are from chafing or rubbing on the same spots over the years, so my thinking is if I used a knot instead of a splice, I could shorten the halyards and re-knot them every year or so to prevent damage on one spot ruining th
  11. There was also the mt wellington go kart track, in an industrial area with no complaints, which had multiple clubs using it. Panuku were hell bent on letting the neighbouring container yard park containers on it. 5 years later and we're still waiting for the new track we were promised over by the airport. Panuku have also been on a mission slowly eroding all the marine industry at hobsonville and wynyard quarter, "activating" the "waterfront" at westhaven to the detriment of marina users, and seem to be very committed to allowing luxury apartments to be built on the boat ramp and marina c
  12. Well that's why we are meant to have a robust process to prevent someone from moving in next to a regional asset and ruining it for everyone else.... At the rate Auckland is going all we're going to have left is walking around your local neighborhood and wondering where all the young and capable people went.
  13. 3pm.... well I'll try to be there.
  14. 300+ million dollars, 78 homes.... 4 million per home AND they get a shiny new marina office.... you can bet this is going ahead in one way or another. Here's a link to the latest article without the paywall and other clutter
  15. Weiti is looking pretty good just for the sake of proper parking, jetty, haulout and dingy lockers.... I had a chat with Westhaven and they're not taking new rentals to fill the largely empty poles as they'll be reconsolidating anyone left into the one row eventually, which I presume is after replacing the rotten/broken poles and tidying the place up a bit. However, this doesn't bode well for me if I have the boat transported out to my place for some refit and repair work next year and want to come back after 6 months.... trailer sailers are sounding like a pretty good idea these days!
  16. What on earth is council doing removing dingy racks? City of Sails no longer it would seem. Milford seems a bit limiting with the tides, and in any case I imagine it's not going to be as cheap as Weiti, but I hear the old floating piers from Westhaven are going to be sent up there to be reused so that might be part of a nice do-up of the place for those that are there. Hobsonville or Herald island might be an option as it only adds an hour by sea to get out to the inner gulf... of course that makes a 4 hour return trip to Motuihe into a 6 hour trip but at least it's on the water. Doe
  17. Seeing as I'm looking at both my antifouling and berthage options right now, I'm very interested! I'll try figure out the messaging system...
  18. The bow of my tracker as a very well set bollard(?) that got towed by the coastguard at about 12 kts and it didn't part ways so I reckon I'd be ok with that. Is there a lot of wave action with a north/north-easterly? What is the story with getting out to the boat? Is there a dinghy rack or anything like that? Ohhhh very interesting. I'd always written the idea off because of that. Thanks.
  19. It's a bit of a drive (for me) to get up there, but if I lived closer I would certainly be onto that one. Do you know how long the waitlist is? (I heard it was a bit tricky to get on that list, too) Definitely would be a nice way to get to Kawau though.
  20. Hi Crew - New member here but have been sailing a little Tracker 7.7 since 2013. I've been on the Westhaven poles ever since buying her, but haven't been out once since the whole covid thing happened, and now with life getting back on track I've finally had to bite the bullet and reassess the cost of this! Rental rates have almost doubled since starting there while the service/value has been reduced and all maintenance long since halted (and there are abundantly clear signs that we're going to be kicked out before too much longer, however, that's a rant on it's own for another time....) S
  21. How often does CC need blasting and/or sanding, at least how often are you guys doing so? I imagine a neglected boat is still going to get some barnacles (or worse) growing that could take a chip of the paint off with them? I just seem to see some mixed reviews, and I wonder if it's as much about the prep work vs the tolerance for a missed season or what defines "low maintenance".
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