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grantmc last won the day on September 6 2020

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59 Good

About grantmc

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 23/05/1959

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Lower Hutt
  • Interests
    In Summer I'm Wellington Harbour based and sail a Raven 26 called Footprints that I've enjoyed for 18 years. In Winter head north to Fiji where I have a Reinke Super 10. Member and occasional racer at both Evans and Lowry Bay Boat Clubs. Enjoy solo sailing and have done several long coastal trips. Coastguard tutor with skipper restricted limits licence.

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  1. Hi David, Would love to help but just arrived back in NZ from Fiji last week.
  2. Thanks for looking at my post. I'm am experienced sailor wishing to sail back to NZ or Oz from Fiji in October. I've made the trip several times and have current Sea Survival and Ocean Medic qualifications for Cat 1. Flexible with dates and departure/arrival ports.
  3. Welcome to Crew.Org Joshua. Good luck with your search.
  4. Thanks for looking at my post. I'm am experienced sailor wishing to get up Fiji and join my own yacht moored there. I've made the trip several times and have current Sea Survival and Ocean Medic qualifications for Cat 1. Flexible with dates and departure port.
  5. Kate it would be helpful to know what part of the country you are in?
  6. Looking for Kiwi(s) wishing to be repatriated to NZ to join as crew. Must have Kiwi passport or permanent residence Visa. Leaving from Vuda Point as soon as weather permits. Can stay on boat till departure. 51 foot mono. Please send your contact information to grant@jobspec.co.nz and I will send additional information.
  7. grantmc

    NZ to Fiji

    Not a boat many would wish to own, and certainly not a keel boat I would suggest you aspire to Rick. I sailed on an old race boat, very expensive to maintain and lacks creature comforts. Her name now is Nv. Nv is an Open 60 (modified for a little more length) with a 4.something mtr keel. Designed by Nándor Fa, she was built to compete in the Vendée Globe round the world race. She was an Ozzie boat for a long time, renamed The Broomstick, doing charters and races. Here's her entry in the 2001 Sydney to Hobart. The Ozzie owner added a decent galley and toilet, but other than that,
  8. grantmc

    Rig tension?

    I bought a new (to me) aluminium yacht, with mast head, single spreader, cutter rigging. The stays and shrouds all seem to me to be very tight. There’s absolutely no give at all. I’m up in Fiji, 200km from a rigger so can’t seek advice. Thoughts? (Yes I can borrow a tensioner.)
  9. A really kind thought BP, and perhaps a motivation for those of us in other locales to follow your lead.
  10. grantmc

    NZ to Fiji

    Thought I'd close the topic by confirming I cleared into Fiji last Friday at the end of a 7 day quarantine off Denerau. Trip up from BoI was awesome. Fantastic crew (including a couple of highly capable cooks), and a nice comfy quick boat. We had some great laughs, brilliant music, wit only a single day/night of rain. Wind on the nose the entire trip, but you can't have everything. Very happy to have finally boarded my own boat here in Savusavu.
  11. Not only if you return. We gained our Cat 1 in Wellington in April 2017, sailed up to BoI for checkout there, but weather window closed and we were stuck at Opua for a couple of weeks. The inspector had only given us an expiry of 1 month from inspection date (or first overseas port). So had to have the Cat 1 redone and of course pay again. As an aside there doesn't seem to be clarity and/or consistency for/between inspectors as to the expiry date of a Category Certificate. Recently crewed on another yacht and the inspector entered the expiry date as 12 months following inspection date (
  12. Lovely video and really interesting. Thanks for posting, much appreciated.
  13. I can make a comment on the point made. This has happened to me. 3 years ago I crewed on an Australian registered yacht and we cleared and departed Tauranga. We had all manner of issues with the boat and as you might deduce she wasn't up to the intended overseas passage. It wont help top get in to details, blame etc. But after several days the owner/skipper accepted the only option was to turn back. As it happened, and I think for reasons of anonymity, the Skipper choose Gisborne, and so Customs were radioed and gave permission to enter NZ. Gisborne isn't normally a port of entry. When we bert
  14. I didn’t intend to slide off topic again. I added the post about Okak because the village is on the NW passage and suffered enormously from a white man’s disease. Like all the little villages, hamlets and towns in the far north there isn’t much in the way of medical facilities or evacuation options. Even in 2020! Irrespective, Wheels and Priscilla have rightly brought up the 1919 flu and the horrific effect for Samoa. But you don’t have to look back very far at all to when another disease rampaged Samoa. Only last year they experienced a measles outbreak that decimated the country.
  15. Not wishing to aggravate the sin or virtues of the voyage. And I hope within the bounds of the original post that I made about sailing the northern extremes of Canada. I thought there might be an interest in the little town of Okak (sometimes spelt Okkak). Kiwi Roa will likely sail past Okak, found in the northern extremes of Labrador, perhaps even stop there as this is well south of the ‘finish line’ of the passage. Scientists tell us Okak, an Inuit village, has been constantly settled for over 5,000 years. At the turn of last century Okak held the largest Inuit community in Labrador and wa
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